Ric Flair's Last Match

31 Jul 2022
Andrade El Idolo shares honest feelings about Ric Flair match - "I’m scared if something happened, what do I say to my wife?" Andrade El Idolo shares honest feelings about Ric Flair match - "I’m scared if something happened, what do I say to my wife?"
Andrade El Idolo shares honest feelings about Ric Flair match - "I’m scared if something happened, what do I say to my wife?"

About Ric Flair's Last Match

Ric Flair will wrestle his last match on 31st July at 6:05pm EDT. The event will be taking place at Nashville Fairgrounds. The opponent of The 16-time World Champion are yet to be revealed.

The Nature Boy said “I'm going to walk that aisle, one last time to prove once and for all, that to be the Man, you've got to beat the Man."

Last Modified Nov 8, 2023 13:16 GMT