
John Manly hits back at the claims of Márta Károlyi's lawyer Gary Jewell

Gymnastics - Artistic - Olympics: Day 9
Márta Károlyi at the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil with gymnast Simone Biles

Gary Jewell, the lawyer for Márta Károlyi, who, along with her husband Béla, was a former USA Gymnastics national team coordinator and owner of the USA Gymnastics National Team Training Center at Károlyi Ranch in Huntsville, Texas, is under attack by John Manly, a lawyer for dozens of Larry Nassar’s sexual victims.

Jewell recently tried to explain why Márta Károlyi's testimony in a 2017 deposition contradicts what she and her husband claimed in the lawsuit that they filed against USA Gymnastics and the United States Olympic Committee last month in regard to when they learned Larry Nassar sexually assaulting gymnasts at their ranch.

Nassar is the 54-year-old disgraced former USA Gymnastics and Michigan State University physician who was recently given three lengthy prison sentenced that will keep him behind bars for life. He has been accused of sexually assaulting at least 265 people, many of whom female gymnasts, over the course of roughly two decades.

He is currently serving the 60-year federal prison sentenced that he was given this past December on three child pornography charges, and he is doing so at United States Penitentiary, Tucson in Tucson, Arizona.

Nassar was also sentenced to between 40 and 175 years in state prison on seven sexual assault charges in January and between an additional 40 and 125 years in state prison on there more sexual assault charges in February.

Here is what Jewell had to say about why Márta Károlyi's testimony contradicts her lawsuit, according to Chron.

"[Márta Károlyi] merely misspoke when answering the question in her deposition. We apologize for any confusion this may have caused. Márta is now taking the opportunity to correct that misunderstanding and make clear that, although she did receive a phone call from (USA Gymnastics CEO) Steve Penny during the summer of 2015 regarding Larry Nassar leaving the USAG program, she had no knowledge of allegations of sexual misconduct by Larry Nassar until the summer of 2016."

He also added the following, according to CNN.

"It is not uncommon in a deposition for a deponent to misunderstand a question or misspeak. Márta misunderstood the question and misspoke. It was not realized until much later that she was not precise with her earlier testimony."

You can read Jewell's full statement here.

Manly hit back at Jewell's remarks. Here is what he had to say about the matter, according to The Orange County Register.

“Mrs. Karolyi clearly knew about child molests of Olympians in June of 2015. Her lawyer was present in the deposition. Both she and her lawyer had 30 days to make corrections to her testimony. They made corrections to her deposition. They did not correct the June 2015 date. Mrs. Karolyi knew that children under her care had been molested by Nassar.
“These young girls were and are our country’s best. They sacrificed and endured unspeakable horrors to win gold for our country. Marta Karolyi knew they had been molested in June of 2015 by Nassar. She did absolutely nothing about it. She was required by Texas law to report to the authorities immediately. She did not.
"Because of her and others at (USA Gymnastics) failure to report dozens of little girls were molested for another year. We urge the Texas Attorney General to investigate this and if criminality is found to prosecute Mrs. Karolyi to the full extent of the law. These children deserve justice.”

He also added the following, according to CNN.

"Mr. Jewell's statement is a desperate attempt to explain that he got caught, and Ms. Karolyi got caught, in a big fat lie."

Given the fact that Márta Károlyi made corrections to her testimony but did not change her claim that she knew about Nassar's predatory behavior in June of 2015, Manly's claims would seem to hold far more water than Jewell's do. This is certainly a situation to monitor moving forward.

As previously stated, the fallout from the Nassar scandal is far from over. This situation goes to show that, regardless of how it turns out.

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