
How James Harrison Maintains His Mass and Strength after Retirement

James Harrison was an outside linebacker in the NFL. In his prime, he was one of the league's most powerful, big, and skilled players. YouTube videos of Harrison lifting huge weights have gone viral. There's no question James has the body of a beast because of his genes, but that doesn't mean he hasn't worked hard.

James retired from the sport at the age of 40 in May 2018. The former Pittsburgh Steelers, Cincinnati Bengals and New England Patriots player has had numerous record-breaking accomplishments. That includes being a four-time AFC champion, NFL Linebacker of the Year, NFL Super Bowl Record-Holder for Longest Interception Return for a Touchdown, and many more.

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Even after retirement, Harrison has continued to maintain his incredibly muscly and toned physique. Let's find out what James does to get stronger as he gets older, including what he eats and the workouts he does.

James Harrison Workout Routine

Harrison works out at the gym five days a week, from 7 am to 5 pm. Most of the time, his training sessions lasts an hour.

Even though he's older now, he works out his body every week, and each day he works on a different muscle group:

  • Monday - Legs
  • Tuesday - Back and Chest
  • Wednesday - Core
  • Thursday - Shoulders
  • Friday - Arms (biceps and triceps)
  • Saturday - rest to enhance muscle recovery
  • Sunday - rest/pool workout

His Instagram photos or videos of his crazy workouts are evidence of how much weight he can lift, and the powerlifting exercises he does looks impossible to most people.

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James Harrison does the following exercises as part of his regular workout plan to build core strength and stability and give his upper and lower body more power and explosiveness:

  • Barbell bench presses
  • Single-arm shoulder presses
  • 1,100-pound leg presses
  • Weighted pull-ups
  • 700-pound squats
  • Dips with 200lbs of added weight

Many people think that his success is due in part to the heavy deadlifts he does.

Harrison's daily workout plan might change, though, depending on how he feels on a given day. So, the order of the exercises, how they are done, and the number of sets and reps can change from one workout to the next.

He always finds new ways to keep his workouts interesting and hard. Harrison used to play a game called Danney Ball on the field when the regular season got over.

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Shaw is Harrison's trainer during the offseason. He makes sure the NFL star does outdoor exercises like running long distances in the sand to get tighter hips, stronger ankles, and more endurance.

In short, Harrison never worked out the same way as the other players on his team. He has always done things his own way.

James Harrison's Diet

James Harrison eats a low-carb, high-protein diet to keep up his muscle mass and fuel his workouts. James doesn't drink too much and doesn't eat processed foods. Instead, he eats a lot of healthy fats and foods that are high in protein and fiber. Here are ten of his favorite things to eat:

  • Avocado
  • Oatmeal
  • Green salad
  • Green vegetables
  • Almonds
  • Steak
  • Boiled eggs
  • Chicken breast
  • Fatty fish
  • Bacon

Harrison doesn't eat simple carbs. Instead, he eats organic products and foods that are high in fiber, protein, and fats. He doesn't eat milk, wheat, white sugar, iodized salts, or caffeine.

When he's recovering from hard workouts, he also avoids alcohol, processed foods, and even nutrient-rich nightshade vegetables. That's probably because he thinks they might make inflammation worse. He also takes whey protein and other protein supplements.

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For breakfast, James Harrison often has oatmeal, avocado, eggs and bacon. For his mid-morning snack, he has some fruits, almonds and salad. Lunch generally comprises chicken breast, salad and vegetables.

For his evening snack, James loves to have protein smoothie and almonds. Dinner is usually light, comprising of fish, salad and vegetables. Harrison also has whey protein, multivitamin and omega-3 fatty acid supplement regularly.

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Anyone who wants to build incredible strength and stamina, improve athletic performance, and become a powerful beast in the weight room like the superhuman NFL champion might want to copy his workout routine and diet plan.

In all honesty, most people who work out may not be able to handle that much work at the gym. However, if you force yourself to be disciplined and put even half of James Harrison's effort into your workout, you should get great results over time.

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