
IMPACT Wrestling Slammiversary 2021: Best and Worst - Bullet Club confrontation; multiple title changes; huge returns

IMPACT Wrestling had a strong showing at Slammiversary
IMPACT Wrestling had a strong showing at Slammiversary

IMPACT Wrestling offered up a ton of teasers and hype for Slammiversary. While they promised nothing, they assured fans that something major was going to happen on July 17th.

IMPACT Wrestling delivered, folks. More than that, they hit a game-winning goal. They knocked it out of the park. They threw a forty-yard hail mary pass to win the Super Bowl. With seven debuting or returning acts appearing alongside one of the strongest cards the company's had in some time, it's impossible to walk away from Slammiversary disappointed.

There were a few things here or there that could've been improved, but if I'm being honest, two of them are nitpicks at best. Genuinely, IMPACT Wrestling Slammiversary was one of the best pay-per-views of 2021 to date.

We'll go over the best and worst of the show today, starting with the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Tag Titles.

#3 Worst: Leaving Fire 'N Flava off of IMPACT Wrestling Slammiversary's main card

A match that deserved to be on the main card
A match that deserved to be on the main card

The IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Tag Team Titles changed hands tonight as Fire 'N Flava lost the gold to Rosemary and Havok in an excellent tag team match. It was phenomenal, with the speed of Hogan and Steelz clashing wonderfully with the aggression and strength of the challengers.

Genuinely, it was one of the best matches of the night. It's a shame it didn't make the actual card. IMPACT Wrestling held a kick-off show filled with vignettes and previews for every single match on the card. However, the last fifteen minutes were saved for the IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Tag Title match.

Fire 'N Flava's Kiera Hogan and Tasha Steelz have been MVPs for IMPACT Wrestling in the Pandemic Era. Genuinely, every time they've been on TV, they've stolen the show. Thanks to them, the Knockouts Tag Team Division is incredibly strong, despite teams breaking up left and right.

At the moment, the only teams in the division are Fire 'N Flava, Decay's Rosemary and Havok, and former IMPACT Wrestling Knockouts Tag Champions Jordynne Grace and Rachael Ellering. Past and present teams have all ended up dealing with Hogan and Steelz, with them genuinely being one of the best tag teams around.

If it weren't for Fire 'N Flava, those titles would be in a worse spot than they are now. Thanks to them, they're one of the most sought after prizes in the company. Knowing that, they should've been a part of the main show.

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