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  • AEW Dynamite


Last Modified Sep 05, 2024 02:08 GMT

By Sportskeeda Desk

Check out the live results from AEW Dynamite right here!


02:08 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Strickland's house burned down

02:07 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Hangman Page vows to take everything away from Swerve Strickland at All Out. After some more words, we see HANGMAN PAGE HAS LIT SWERVE STRICKLAND'S HOUSE ON FIRE.

02:04 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Hangman Page takes multiple shots at Swerve Strickland, including saying his father probably didn't love him. Page is pouring gasoline as he is speaking.

02:02 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Page is at Swerve's childhood house

01:58 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

We have the contract signing for the Steel Cage match between Swerve Strickland and Hangman Page next. Strickland is there, but Page is not.

01:57 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Ospreay dropped on the neck.

01:56 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Post-match, Bryan Danielson joins his Blackpool Combat Club stablemates. The Elite do a sneak attack on Danielson, Yuta, and Claudio. The BCC members fight and The Elite go back to the ramp. Claudio Castagnoli challenges The Young Bucks to a tag title match at All Out.

Bryan Danielson threatens to kick Jack Perry's F**king head in. We then see PAC and Will Ospreay battling it out backstage and The B*stard drops Ospreay on the neck.

01:52 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Claudio tries to power out, but the move is still applied. The BCC member is fading away. Claudio powers out and hits an European uppercut. In the end, Claudio gets the win after a giant swing/dropkick combo (Dropkick by Yuta) on Kyle O'Reilly.

Blackpool Combat Club and PAC win

01:50 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Back in the ring, Orange Cassidy hits a Beach Break on Claudio Castagnoli for a close two-count. Cassidy and Kyle O'Reilly unload with some kicks on Claudio. Yuta stops them. KOR applies the guillotine on Claudio and grounds him.

01:48 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Things have broken down and we bodies flying everywhere. Will Ospreay and PAC battle on the apron. Wheeler Yuta stops Ospreay, but the latter almost hits the Hidden Blade. Ospreay counters a poisonrana and takes PAC down.

01:47 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

PAC stuns Will Ospreay with a cutter, but OC hits a DDT on him. Castagnoli catches Cassidy and gets a nearfall with a deadlift slam in the middle of the ring. Cassidy sends Claudio to the outside and follows up with a dive.

01:45 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

After some back-and-forth action, PAC and Orange Cassidy are the two men in the ring. Cassidy staggers PAC with a Stundog Millionaire. Claudio comes in and hits a sleeper giant swing. He then hits a lariat to the head for a two-count. KOR breaks the count.

01:43 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Will Opsreay breaks the hold, but he gets taken out by Claudio Castagnoli. Claudio and Yuta double team on Cassidy for a two-count. Will Ospreay is tagged in. He takes the fight to his opponents, hits a backbody drop on Yuta before coming face-to-face with PAC.

01:40 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Wheeler Yuta hits a German suplex on Orange Cassidy. Another one for a two-count. OC with a release German suplex of his own. Claudio takes out OC's partners on the apron. PAC fails to hit a top rope brainbuster, but tries to applies the Brutalizer.

01:38 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

OC comes in hits a dropkick on Yuta. Claudio Castagnoli is tagged in and he takes down Cassidy with a backbreaker. PAC enters the ring and shoves Cassidy into the corner. The trios champion get a two-count after a vertical suplex.

01:36 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

PAC and Will Ospreay are legal now. They look to get the upper hand and fly around the ring. Ospreay avoids a leg sweep and connects with a dropkick. Things come to a standstill. Kyle O'Reilly tags in. He works on Yuta's arm and back.

01:34 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

The Conglomeration and Will Ospreay vs. Blackpool Combat Club and PAC

Wheeler Yuta and Kyle O'Reilly start the match. The two show off some technical wrestling. KOR applies a juji gatame, but Yuta gets out of it. Orange Cassidy is tagged in. He and Yuta exchange strikes before the BCC member connects with a backbody drop.

01:29 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

We have The Conglomeration and Will Ospreay versus Blackpool Combat Club and PAC up next.

01:24 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

The Young Bucks and Jack Perry are in a backstage segment. Perry recalls Bryan Danielson's debut. He hoped for the same success, worked hard in NJPW, but Danielson didn't help him much. He vows to win at All Out. Matthew Jackson says they'll do anything to get the AEW World Title back to The Elite.

01:21 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Moné says Shida will pay the price for messing with her. Hikaru Shida appears on the titantron. She says we're one Katana away from the new AEW TBS Champion. Christopher Daniels announces that Kamille is banned for the match at All Out.

01:19 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Mercedes Moné is out to the ring with Kamille to address her match against Hikaru Shida at AEW All Out. She brings up her NJPW Strong win over Momo Watanabe. Moné questions how Shida can call herself the Ace if she isn't the face of the division.

01:14 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

We see a vignette featuring Deonna Purrazzo.

01:12 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Nyla Rose makes her way to the ring at the 9-count. However, Mariah May quickly hits a knee strike and finishes off the match with a Storm Zero.

Mariah May retains

01:10 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Mariah May counters the Beast Bomb, but gets taken down with a powerbomb. Mariah May rolls out of the ring. May has a brief interaction with the ref, but that is a ruse. She drops Rose on the steps and follows up with a running knee.

01:09 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Both stars take each other down with headbutts. They have a slugfest before Mariah May hits an elbow strike. Nyla Rose drops May with a German Suplex. She hits a clothesline shortly after for a two-count over the champion.

01:07 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

May connects with some uppercuts before Rose hits a bulldog. Mariah May wears down The Native Beast with a guillotine. Rose gets out of the submission move before May punches her. May hits a dropkick but only for a one-count.

01:03 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Rose hits a scoop slam in the middle of the ring. She hits another and follows up with a leg drop for a two-count. Mariah stuns Rose and hits a dropkick from the turnbuckles. May chokes Rose with her boots in the corner.

01:02 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Mariah May (c) vs. Nyla Rose - AEW Women's World Championship Match

Mariah May slaps Nyla Rosa to start things off. Rosa outmuscles May, but the latter connects with more open-handed shots. May counters Rose but fails with a leg sweep. Nyla Rose takes Mariah down with a crossbody.

01:00 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

We have Mariah May vs. Nyla Rose up next.

00:58 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

The Learning Tree are in a backstage segment. Chris Jericho brings up Orange Cassidy ruining his jacket. He wants his 7k USD for the jacket. OC says if Bryan Keith beats him on Collision, he'll give the 7k USD.

00:55 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Jon Moxley and Marina Shafir make their way to the ring. Moxley says he wonders if Darby Allin is around. Moxley heaps praise on Allin. He says the click is ticking and wants to talk to Allin. Moxley adds he doesn't want to add pressure and just wants to talk with Allin.

00:51 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Mox and The Elite

00:49 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

We see Jon Moxley and Marina Shafir beat up some jobbers backstage. Mox comes face-to-face with The Young Bucks and Jack Perry. Mox says he doesn't care what anyone says and calls Perry a "sweet kid."

00:47 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Roderick Strong has issues with last week's finish. Hook comes in and challenges Strong and wants to put his title on the line. Roderick says not tonight, but he'll know soon.

00:46 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Easy win for Jamie Hayter

00:45 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Jamie Hayter connects with the Hayterade for a quick win.

Jamie Hayter wins

00:44 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Jamie Hayter vs. Robyn Renegade

Jamie Hayter has the early advantage. Robyn Renegade gets some offense in. She stomps on the back of Hayter's neck. Hayter drives Renegade on the mat. She then hits some backbreakers on the knees.

00:38 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

We learn that Swerve Strickland has purchased his childhood home

00:38 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Post-match, Konosuke Takeshita comes out to look after Kyle Fletcher. He also has a staredown with Kazuchika Okada.

00:37 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

In the end, Kazuchika Okada pulls the referee and hits a low blow on Kyle Fletcher. The Japanese star then connects with the Rainmaker for the win.

Kazuchika Okada retains

00:35 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Okada's Rainmaker is countered. After some back-and-forth, Fletcher gets a two-count with a jumping tombstone piledriver.

00:34 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

The action is back in the ring. Fletcher connects with a top elbow drop. He then poses in the ring and connects with a kick to the back of the neck. Kazuchika Okada counters and hits a lariat. He follows up with another.

00:33 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Kazuchika Okada sends Kyle Fletcher tumbling down to the floor with a dropkick. He connects with another kick on the outside before Fletcher drops Okada with a brainbuster on the barricades. Fletcher takes out Okada with a dive.

00:31 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Kazuchika Okada and Kyle Fletcher slug it out in the ring. The two exchange strikes. Okada applies a choke and takes Fletcher down. Kyle gets out and connects with a couple of thrust kicks. He then hits a running kick in the corner as we reach 15 mins in the match.

00:28 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Okada regroups on the outside and spikes Fletcher on the floor. The two stars battle on the apron. Fletcher drops Okada with a brainbuster on the apron. Both men barely make their way back to the ring.

00:25 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Kazuchika Okada stops Fletcher with a neckbreaker and follows up with a scoop slam. He then hits an elbow drop from the turnbuckles and flips off the crowd. Kyle counters the Rainmaker with a michinoku driver for a two-count.

00:23 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Kazuchika Okada is wearing Kyle Fletcher down in the middle of the ring. Fletcher gets some offense in, but Okada with a strike to the midsection. Fletcher connects with a lariat and slams Okada for a two-count.

00:21 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Fletcher slams Okada on the turnbuckles and continues to have the upperhand at ringside. Back inside the squared circle, Okada drops Fletcher with a backbody drop. He then unloads with elbow strikes in the corner.

00:19 (GMT)5 SEP 2024

Kazuchika Okada (c) vs. Kyle Fletcher - AEW Continental Championship Match

Both stars engage in some mat-based wrestling in the initial stages of the match. Kyle Fletcher and Kazuchika Okada counter each other's finishers before Okada is dumped out of the ring with a high kick. Fletcher then follows up with an elbow suicida.
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