Minecraft reveals new dried ghast block for 2025's second game drop
Minecraft’s 2025 second game drop is bringing an unexpected new addition to the Nether, the dried ghast block/mob. This strange new discovery can be found exclusively in soul sand valleys among giant bone structures. But upon closer inspection, players will notice something unsettling: a sad, dehydrated face imprinted on the block.
The dried ghast is slightly smaller than the classic Minecraft mob and has faint, curled-up tentacles on its side which gives it the look of a once-living creature that has withered away. It appears grumpy due to its extreme dehydration in the arid Nether environment.
Reviving the dried ghast in Minecraft

It seems the mob needs water and the only way to bring the dried ghast back to life is to transport it to the Minecraft Overworld. Since water cannot exist naturally in the Nether, players must carefully pick up the block and take it through a portal.
Once placed in water, the dried ghast undergoes a gradual revival process, making it one of the most interactive and mysterious additions to Minecraft’s growing world. Over time, as the dried ghast rehydrates, its facial expression slowly changes. It shifts from grumpy to neutral and eventually starts to smile, a sign that something magical is happening.
Eventually, the block transforms into a ghastling, a small, floating entity that bears a striking resemblance to a baby ghast. Unlike its Nether counterpart, however, the ghastling is friendly and playful. It curiously drifts around following players and mobs alike until it gets bored and floats away.
The happy ghast

Though the main focus of this article is the addition of the dried ghast and its transformation into a ghastling, its journey doesn’t stop there. With enough care, the ghastling can grow into a happy ghast, a fully matured, friendly version of the fearsome Nether mob. Unlike regular ghasts, this variant does not shoot fireballs at players.
Instead, it can be used as a rideable flying mount, supporting up to four players at a time. It can be fed snowball which makes it unique and interesting. This makes it an invaluable tool for survival builders looking to construct grand sky bases or for adventurous players eager to explore the world from above.
Players will soon have the chance to test this fascinating feature in upcoming snapshots and previews, and it’s safe to say that the dried ghast is set to become one of the most exciting additions to Minecraft’s universe.