
5 opponents for Ronda Rousey if she comes to WWE

Rousey would be a powerhouse in WWE

Ronda Rousey is still one of the baddest women on the planet, despite her back to back losses in her last two fights.

The Superstar has risen to the top of the mixed martial arts world on more than one occasion, however, now it looks like her time in the sport is slowly coming to an end, if we are to believe the words of UFC President Dana White.

So the big question is this - what's next? Will Ronda take her talents to the bright lights of Hollywood or instead enjoy her millions in peace and quiet? Both options are as likely as the other, but there's a third that could also be quite appealing to the former World Champion.

Maybe, just maybe, she'll end up inside of the squared circle by the end of the year.

Given her appearance at WrestleMania 31, it doesn't seem too far outside the realms of possibility that she could do this, plus she's known to have a deep love for the sports entertainment business. It may only be for a one-off match, but for the sake of debate let's say she sticks around for an extended run.

If that turns out to be the case, there's a lot of interesting bouts she could have throughout her time with the company.

So with that in mind, let's look at five opponents for Ronda Rousey if she comes to WWE.

#5 Sasha Banks

Sasha Banks
The Boss vs Rowdy Ronda Rousey could draw some serious money

Sasha is probably the least appealing match up for Ronda, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't be great.

Her personality and heel persona could carry this into a whole new level, with Ronda not quite grasping the idea of psychology within the squared circle. You could have Sasha constantly avoid Ronda and get away from her until their eventual match.

Also read: 5 Steps to the redemption of Ronda Rousey

Have Sasha cheat on a number of different occasions, but in the end, it's the former UFC Champion that picks up the victory. It may not be the most convincing feud or match, but everyone loves Sasha so putting her up against Ronda could make for a string of interesting segments.

Who knows, maybe it could be made into a best of three and Banks comes away with a victory to her name.

Moving on to someone who has had their fair share of issues with the former Women's Champion.

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