
5 Pro-wrestling moves that CM Punk could have used to win his UFC fight

Unfortunately for Punk, he was the one looking up at the lights

Imagine waiting your whole life for something to come to fruition, and in that moment just before you take the final step you realise this is everything you've ever wanted. That one split second defines your entire existence, and from that day on you will forever hold yourself in a completely new light. You're a new person, and you have been re-born once again.

Now forget all that and imagine how CM Punk felt when he got sparked out inside two minutes at UFC 203. Literally,  there aren't many ways in which things could have been more embarrassing for the Straight Edge Superstar and that's just a fact. It must've felt as if someone hit him round the face with a wet fish on an endless cycle for about a month.

Look, these things happen. The hero doesn't always get the girl and the good guy doesn't always come out on top despite how badly you want it to take place. Life is unfair and cruel, but we're here to try and add some light into that dark hole of despair. After all if we can't join good old Phil Brooks in laughing at the situation, then we're just animals really.

With that being said, let's take a look at five pro-wrestling moves that CM Punk could have used in order to win his UFC fight against Mickey Gall. No seriously, that's what we're doing.

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