
5 Real life heels in UFC

The Notorious One is a real life heel

What makes sports entertainment different from real combat sports are the storylines. We root for a babyface, who goes up against a despicable, evil heel as the storyline plays out. This drama is what has captivated millions over the years to WWE and several other wrestling promotions.

It is no secret that UFC has incorporated multiple traits from professional wrestling to make the fights seem larger-than-life. This has led to fighters incorporating heelish tendencies and cutting heel promos to attract attention and sell tickets. Let’s jump to our countdown and meet the biggest heels in MMA.

#5 Conor McGregor

Nobody sells a fight like The Notorious One can

Remember the time when the professional wrestling world was up in arms against Conor McGregor after he said he could slap the heads off the entire WWE roster? Conor McGregor is one of the last remaining true heels in the world when professional wrestling heels like Chris Jericho, AJ Styles, and Kevin Owens get cheered.

He is immensely disrespectful to each of his opponents before a fight and actually garners heel heat so that people want to see him get knocked out. In this sense, he's not unlike Ric Flair, a man who sold many tickets because people wanted to see him beaten up. 

Conor McGregor is not afraid to be politically incorrect and borderline racist against opponents such as Jose Aldo. He dares to say things that cannot be said in WWE’s sterile corporate environment these days.

Case in point, he told Aldo that he was going to die in Brazilian Portuguese at a press conference, and went on to call him a midget. Check out this video.

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