
5 reasons professional wrestling fans should watch MMA

Wrestling fans can find a lot more fulfilment from watching MMA
Wrestling fans can find a lot more fulfilment from watching MMA

Gone are the days when Monday nights had must-watch TV. Wrestling’s glory days are far behind us and the older wrestling fans can hardly find the things that made them fans of the spectacle of professional wrestling in the first place anymore, within the current product.

Little wonder then that they have moved to other forms of entertainment, trying to match the glory days of professional wrestling with TV shows or video games. We have one alternative suggestion for them – MMA!

Mixed Martial Arts brings to life many components of the bygone era of professional wrestling that we adored. Here are 5 reasons why disillusioned WWE fans can now immerse themselves in MMA.

#5 Babyfaces and heels exist

Sonnen and Ortiz had the perfect babyface vs. heel rivalry very recently
Sonnen and Ortiz had the perfect babyface vs. heel rivalry very recently

Across different promotions, MMA fighters have picked up several traits from WWE. One of them is character development, to stand out as a unique individual in a sea of fighters. As a result, we have seen several babyfaces, heels and tweeners emerge in MMA.

The promos they cut to promote a fight are downright condescending at times and make you want to see the fighter in question get beaten up. At the same time, we have genuine babyfaces such as Miesha Tate and Dominick Cruz who people genuinely root for at all times.

Also read: 5 Reasons Conor McGregor is more popular than all WWE stars

While this is not a general dynamic across all fighters and promotions, the most talked about fighters are those who have a distinct persona. Which is why Conor McGregor and Michael Bisping are spoken about with greater fervour in the MMA world, because of their borderline heelish tendencies.

This is also why Yoel Romero’s cheating tactics earn him ridicule and make the audience cheer for his opponent. Good vs bad is a time-tested formula and one that has made people millions of dollars across many forms of art, MMA is no exception.

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