
5 reasons why UFC could never pull off a WrestleMania-style event

Could Dana convert the WrestleMania template over to the world of MMA?

The Ultimate Fighting Championship is a fantastic organisation. Some people may believe that because they're the biggest game in town they've let their guard down, but no matter what the situation they seem to continually put on phenomenal cards on a near-weekly basis. Sure there are things that could be changed, but isn't that the case with every major sport?

They do what they do very well, and the same can be said of World Wrestling Entertainment. The two companies have extremely different ideologies and view points, but that doesn't mean one is better or more successful than the other. However, one way in which WWE has something of an edge is with their stadium shows.

More often than not UFC decide to host the majority of their events inside an arena, meanwhile one or twice a year WWE take over a stadium in the United States. It tends to be for WrestleMania and given the growing success of the brand, it doesn't seem likely that they'll be downgrading any time soon. So given the popularity of UFC - why don't they give it a go more often?

So with that in mind, let's take a look at five reasons why UFC could never pull off a WrestleMania-style event.

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