5 Similarities between Vince McMahon and Dana White
Dana White is the patriarch of the Mixed Martial Arts world, having rescued UFC when it was on the verge of bankruptcy, ultimately making it the world's favorite promotion for combat sports. Vince McMahon, born into a wrestling family, transformed the face of professional wrestling, by changing it from a local, regional business to something that enjoyed by millions across the globe.
One may believe that the similarities end there for good. You’ll be surprised to find that they have a lot more in common than is obvious at first glance. Here’s an interesting, fun and informative take on 5 similarities between Vincent Kennedy McMahon and Dana White.
#5 Estranged relationship with their mothers
In her unauthorized biography ‘Dana White-King of MMA’, Dana White’s mother June described her son as ‘egotistical, self-centered, arrogant and cruel’ and someone who went from being a ‘true friend, good son and truly nice person’ to being a ‘vindictive tyrant who lacks any feelings for how he treats others’, ever since he attained success with UFC and became the top name in the thrilling world of mixed martial arts.
This hatred stemmed from how he treated his 93-year-old grandmother, who was living in a trailer while he was off making millions of dollars. The same grandmother who used to drive him to school and make dinner for Dana.
Vince McMahon's experience with his mother was even worse. In an interview with Playboy, he confessed- ‘I was abused as a child... and let’s just say it wasn’t from the male’. Playboy asked if this is the reason he’s estranged from his mother.
Without mentioning the exact specifics, McMahon confessed that this was a pretty close assessment. It's a well-known fact that Vince McMahon is a complete insomniac who does not sleep at night. He’s admitted to ‘Interview’, that a primary reason for this is that he remembers what his mother and his stepfather used to do to him.