
Top 5 WWE Superstars who could make a splash in MMA

WWE comprises several talented athletes who could succeed in the MMA realm
WWE comprises several talented athletes who could succeed in the MMA realm

The relationship between wrestling in WWE and fighting in MMA appears to be a close one, given the amount of wrestlers who have fought professionally and vice versa. However, the amount of athletes who have been able to do both successfully has been very slim. For every Brock Lesnar, there is a CM Punk.

The notorious world of combat sports is one that is extremely unforgiving—for every mighty high, there is a disheartening low.

Regardless, upon close examination, one simply cannot deny that the world of professional wrestling and sports-entertainment does comprise several notable athletes, who just so happen to be more than willing to put their reputation and brand value on the line, in the world of legitimate combat.

This list counts down five current WWE superstars who could make a splash in MMA or former MMA athletes under WWE contract who could still be successful in legitimate combat sports competition.

#5 Jason Jordan

Jason Jordan appeared destined for super-stardom in WWE earlier this year before he was struck down by a neck injury in a severe case of unfortunate timing.

Jordan was rumored to be wrestling either former WWE Champion Seth Rollins or his legendary storyline father, former Olympic Gold medalist, Kurt Angle at Wrestlemania 34.

Jordan must be wondering as he readies for a WWE return, as to whether or not he’ll retain the featured spot he possessed before he was put on the shelf.

If his WWE return doesn't work out, there is always MMA.

Jordan began wrestling as an amateur at the age of seven. In his senior year at university he was ranked as the number two heavyweight wrestler in the country, after going 35 matches unbeaten.

Jordan is a rather intriguing case in the world of sports-entertainment, so to speak, especially because the man seems to be more comfortable in the wrestling department—light years ahead of most peers—while he noticeably struggles with promos.

Perhaps a shift to MMA, where actual combat means more than promo skills, may benefit this talented youngster.

With a strong amateur wrestling background and youth still on his side at 29 years of age, Jordan could definitely make an impact in MMA if he chose to do so. 

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