
Five UFC fighters who would make good WWE managers

Could Sonnen make an impact in the WWE?

Transitioning from the world of professional wrestling to mixed martial arts isn't easy, and if you need any proof of that then just go and ask CM Punk. However, some may argue that going the other way from real-life fighting to a scripted performance is equally challenging. If you think about it, there are a number of different elements you have to master and not all of it comes naturally.

With that being said, these five guys are already half way there considering they take a lot of what they do in the UFC from the WWE. They may not choose to openly admit that, but their trash talking and the way they carry themselves, suggest that they've watched one or two editions of RAW and SmackDown over the years.

That's not a jibe at them either, because what they do comes across as quite entertaining, for the most part. Their 'promos' at press conferences and in general forms of the media generate excitement for the fights, and that, in turn, means money for everyone. So why not utilise those skills in a role that's slightly more laid back - the role of a manager.

With that in mind, let's take a look at five UFC fighters – past and present – who we believe would make good WWE managers.

#1 Chael Sonnen

Sonnen has seemed destined for pro wrestling for years

Chael Sonnen once convinced legions of his fans that two Brazilian UFC fighters thought a bus was a donkey and tried to feed it vegetables. If that isn't the mark of a great promo guy, then nothing is. Sonnen is a well-known fan of the professional wrestling industry, and over the years, he has teased the idea of going over to the WWE numerous times.

It's never quite come to fruition, and perhaps that's because nobody has offered him the right role. Well, if you want to utilise Chael in a way that works for everyone involved then a manager may be the best bet. He could frustrate the crowd with his high pitched voice, however, his intelligence on the microphone could end up making him one of the most effective heels in the company.

We move on to a man who is coming off the back of a disappointing loss.

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