
Exclusive: MLW Star "Filthy" Tom Lawlor on living his ideal lifestyle, future plans & more

"Filthy" Tom Lawlor/ Photo courtesy of MLW

Arguably the fastest-growing wrestling league today, Major League Wrestling -- MLW, for short -- is seen around the world weekly via its TV series Major League Wrestling: FUSION, which regularly includes the likes of MJF, "Filthy" Tom Lawlor, Ross and Marshall Von Erich, Low Ki, LA Park, Salina De La Renta, Myron Reed and Injustice, Mance Warner, Davey Boy Smith Jr., Brian Pillman Jr. and ACH. 

MLW is also the parent company of the MLW Radio Network, the leading provider of professional wrestling podcasts in the world.

Among the top talent recently seen on Major League Wrestling: FUSION is the aforementioned "Filthy" Tom Lawlor. Lawlor was the winner of the first Battle Riot in MLW and was the company's World Heavyweight Champion for over 150 days this year. He is currently in the midst of a feud with Marshall and Ross Von Erich while also remaining active as an MMA competitor.

While on-site for the December 5, 2019 taping of Major League Wrestling: FUSION at New York City's Melrose Ballroom, I had the pleasure of interviewing "Filthy" Tom Lawlor backstage. We talked about why he longer lives in the Northeastern United States, the MLW Opera Cup tournament, and his life outside of professional wrestling.

The full conversation is embedded below, while part of the chat has been transcribed exclusively for Sportskeeda. For more on the man known as "Filthy" Tom Lawlor, you can follow him via www.twitter.com/FilthyTomLawlor and www.instagram.com/filthytomlawlor on social media; the Paltrocast With Darren Paltrowitz podcast can be downloaded via iTunes and PureGrainAudio.com.

On who he thought would win MLW's Opera Cup:

"Filthy" Tom Lawlor: This is a tournament I wish I was in. Take a look at the list of competitors. MJF, [Alexander] Hammerstone, [Richard] Holliday, [Timothy] Thatcher, Davey Boy Smith [Jr.], [Brian] Pillman [Jr.], Low-Ki, TJP -- a number of phenomenally-talented, skilled competitors. Unfortunately my name's not in there, but I'm going with Timothy Thatcher. I'll take the dark horse. I thought Davey Boy Smith could pull it off...

In the finals I think it'll be those two rematching. Davey Boy Smith came out on top the first time, and I think Thatcher's got him scouted and will take him this time. If you take a look at this Opera Cup, the last one was won by Stu Hart. A professional wrestler. A professional wrestler is gonna win tonight.

On his plans and/or New Year's resolutions for 2020:

"Filthy" Tom Lawlor: I'm not changing anything. There's no resolution I need to make. I'm ending 2019 just how I want 2020 to begin. That's with me doing what I want to do. That's with me doing the things that are gonna get me to the top, and not listening to what other people have to say. Not depending on others to do the work for me. I'm going to get the job done in 2020. Vote Filthy!

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