
Karolina Kowalkiewicz's coach blasts ringside doctor for not stopping her fight at UFC Auckland

UFC 205: Open Workouts
UFC 205: Open Workouts

Karolina Kowalkiewicz didn't have a great weekend at UFC Fight Night Auckland. She took on the Chinese Strawweight Xiaonan Yan and was defeated in a lopsided unanimous decision.

However, it seemed clear that she shouldn't have been fighting after the first round, to begin with. She had a doctor check her eye and continued anyway, reportedly "seeing double" and not able to fight properly.

Her coach 艁ukasz Zaborowski took to Instagram to put out a lengthy statement, slamming the Doctor at ringside who checked Kowalkiewicz between rounds one and two:

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馃嚞馃嚙 scroll the pic Mega ci臋偶ko mi co艣 napisa膰 bo to po prostu ci臋偶ki moment i nie chodzi o wynik, chodzi o to jak bardzo igramy z losem walcz膮c w klatce jak du偶o jeste艣my w stanie po艂o偶y膰 na szali 偶eby zrealizowa膰 swoje marzenia i cele. Karolina od pierwszej minuty walki musia艂a walczy膰 pewnie z niewyobra偶alnym b贸lem, wyobra藕cie sobie ze jedno oko nie reaguje i patrzy w jeden punkt a drugie si臋 rusza i widzisz 2/3 inne obrazy jednocze艣nie.. dodatkowo b贸l kt贸ry rozsadza Ci g艂ow臋 i przed Tob膮 przeciwnik kt贸ry chce Ci臋 zniszczy膰. To co zrobi艂a i jeszcze pr贸by ataku na nogi w trzeciej rundzie 偶eby wygra膰 walk臋 to by艂o niesamowite. Pytanie czy powinienem sam to przerwa膰? Nie mam poj臋cia do teraz bo gdy wchodzi艂em do klatki nie zwr贸ci艂em uwagi ze to oko si臋 nie rusza (sta艂em frontem wiec wygl膮da艂o podobnie do drugiego) KK my艣la艂a ze to przetarcie i zaraz wr贸ci wzrok, lekarz kt贸ry wszed艂 da艂 dupy bo po walce w szpitalu dowiedzielismy si臋 ze lekarz w klatce powinien to przerwa膰 po podstawowym badaniu. Masz pieni膮dze i fajne 偶ycie ale dalej pchasz si臋 do tej klatki a potem siedzisz w szpitalu i zastanawiasz si臋 czy nie stracisz wzroku i co Ci po tych pieni膮dzach? I najgorsze co mo偶esz us艂ysze膰 jako trener od takiego zawodnika to pytanie czy jeszcze b臋dzie m贸g艂 walczy膰 i si臋 zastanawiasz co on kurwa pierdoli? W艂a艣nie prawie straci艂a艣 wzrok. Prawdziwa wojowniczka dajmy jej odpocz膮膰, zrobi艂a swoje i cokolwiek postanowi to uszanujmy to. Dzi臋ki za wszystkie wiadomo艣ci od zawodnik贸w z ca艂ego 艣wiata jak i od nas z kraju i oczywi艣cie kibic贸w tego pojebanego sportu 馃嚨馃嚤馃嚨馃嚤馃嚨馃嚤馃憡 #mma #ufc #kk #stt #coachzabor #lodz #poland #warrior

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"It's hard for me to say anything and it's not because of a result, it's about how much risk we put our health on fighting, and how much we can sacrifice in chase of our dreams. Karolina since the first minute of a fight had to cope with incredible pain, being unable to see on one eye. Blurred vision, throbbing headache and opponent in front of you trying to take your head off and she still tried to win the fight to the last second with footlock attacks was just incredible.

He said that he was unaware about her eye not moving or responding at the time in between rounds:

I still don't know until now because when I stepped in to the cage in between the rounds I didn't notice her eye was not moving and responding (they both looked the same as I was standing in front of Karolina.

He slammed the doctor for not stopping the fight and it resulted in her needing eye surgery. He expressed a sense of shock, stating that Kowalkiewicz asked him whether she'll ever be able to fight again and he didn't know how to answer:

She thought it was just a scratch and vision will coming be right back, in my opinion doctor checking on her should stop the fight because after the fight when we went to the hospital they told us it should be stopped just be the look of damage they eye took. You got the money but when you are in the hospital threatened to lose your eye, and your fighter still asking you will she be able to continue fighting career seconds after she nearly lost her sight, and you as a coach sit there thinking what the f**k is she asking about?!! Karolina is a true warrior please let her catch a break and respect whatever she decide to do now. Thank you for all the messages from across the world

It was a sad situation, with the Polish Fighter saying that "for the first time in my career, I can't say I'm ok after a fight". However, Kowalkiewicz seemed to suggest that she could still fight.

This doesn't come as a surprise since fighters of any combat sport have a sense of pride that doesn't allow them from giving up. A similar case happened merely a couple of hours later in Boxing when the previously-undefeated Heavyweight Champion Deontay Wilder lost to Tyson Fury after his corner threw in the towel in the 7th round.

The consensus was that his corner made the right move (since Wilder had ruptured his eardrum, was wobbly-legged and not defending himself properly), but Wilder was furious at his corner, even stating later on that throwing in the towel "has its consequences".

Ultimately, it's the job of the coaching staff and ringside doctors to protect fighters from taking further damage. It's a bit unclear who is at fault in Kowalkiewicz's case.

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