MMA News: Michael Venom Page says he takes 'can crusher' jibe as compliment

Though he was flawless in his win over Shinsho Anzai at Bellator Japan, critics just won't cut Michael “Venom” Page some slack. The latest argument against the fighter is that he only takes up fights against little known opponents who are inferior to him, therefore he is a “can crusher”.
MVP has responded to such critics following his win over Anzai. Speaking to MMA Fighting, Page said that he actually takes it as a compliment because he makes his opponents look inferior to him inside the cage. (h/t BJ Penn.com)
“Where I’m at now, I find it a bit of a compliment because we already know, for the people that truly understand MMA, they know these opponents, they know what they’ve gone through, they know their standard, and they’re still calling them a can. That just means that I’m making them look like that. It says I’m on the right track in terms of the fashion that I’m winning in. So I know everyone keeps going on about this crushing cans thing. I’m going to start agreeing with you, and everybody can get it.”
The criticism of Page cannot be entirely rubbished either, as, throughout his storied career, the fighter has been accused to have fought weaker opponents. Bellator has been criticized time and again for booking the fighter against opponents, he would easily lay to waste. Apart from Paul Daley and Douglas Lima, who knocked him out, MVP has not fought any top-ranked welterweight on the Bellator roster.