
Ronda Rousey vs Miesha Tate up next?

Oh, fate!

With a stunning rare naked choke to Holly Holm in the fifth round, Miesha Tate finally earned her much awaited Bantamweight Title at UFC 196. Now who's eyeing to snatch it from her? Yes, it is the former Bantamweight queen Ronda Rousey.

“I think that Ronda now will fight Miesha Tate for the title,” Dana White announced it to ESPN after UFC 196. This was pretty much a given but is it because Tate isn’t as much of a competition as Holm was?

Ronda wasn’t even scheduled to come back until October or November but White said, “it doesn't mean I can't ask.” White recalls his previous claim mentioning, “That’s what’s going to happen. That’s what I said before this fight even happened. Whoever wins tonight will fight Ronda for the title.”

Apparently, Rousey wasn't even watching the fight.

“I texted Ronda – Ronda wasn’t watching the fight. I text Ronda and she said ‘what happened?' I said 'Miesha just choked her unconscious' and she said 'looks like I've got to get back to work.' She's scheduled to not come back until October or November but it doesn't mean I can't ask,” states White.

Fate has it that the triathlon Rousey vs Tate will come into being. The only difference now is that Tate is the defender and Rousey the challenger. Tate for the moment, couldn't care any less.

She said, "The right move feels like drinking a Budweiser and eating cupcakes," Tate said with a smile at the UFC 196 post-fight press conference. That's what the right move feels like. Then I will talk to KHI, my management team and we'll talk to the UFC. My job as the champion is to fight the next best person -- so whoever that is I'll fight them.”


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