
Video: Ronda Rousey hides her bruised face from cameras on returning home

Ronda got schooled by a far more superior striker in Holm

The image of a dejected Ronda with her head buried into the ground, when Dana White put the Bantamweight belt around Holly’s waist, gave a picture of the current mindset of the former champion.

Ronda returned home on Tuesday post her brutal loss to Holly Holm at UFC 193, and it was quite natural that she was hounded by cameras at the airport.

What wasn’t natural, though, was Ronda’s reaction to the chasing cameras, as she was seen hiding her bruised face, which is unlike the way she is known to carry herself.

She was accompanied by UFC Heavyweight and boyfriend Travis Browne, who also chose to be tight-lipped when subjected to countless questions from the reporters. Ronda was escorted towards her car and all throughout, chose to hide her face and duck from all the questions that were fired at her. 


Unfortunately, UFC 193 has certainly dented the towering image that Ronda once commanded. She was out of sorts inside the octagon and was rushed to the hospital after a clinical performance by Holly Holm.

As far as her injury goes, she suffered a busted lip and a few cuts to her face and is expected to stay out of action for a minimum period of six months.

The loss to Holm, unfortunately, has changed Rousey completely. Make no mistake when is say, she will be back a ‘ savage’, which is the exact word Dana White used to describe her return to reclaim her lost piece of gold.

For the time being, she is dealing with the shock of being conquered, something that she was confident would never happen. Ronda has been a revolutionary for women in MMA, which is exactly why she should walk with her head held up high.

Below is the video:



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