
Hardcore New England Patriots fan Dana White fails to identify the jersey of 'The Pats' legend Russ Francis in throwback image

UFC president Dana White is a staunch supporter of the American football team, the New England Patriots. However, the UFC head honcho failed to identify 'The Pats' legend Russ Francis' jersey in a recent appearance on the Manning Cast.

Dana White has been a self-proclaimed lifelong fan of the team and shared an image of his younger self in the colors of the New England Patriots.

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Earlier this year, Bill Belichick, manager of the ninth most valuable sports team in the world, visited the UFC Performance Institute after a practice session.

Patriots headed to the UFC Performance Institute after practice today, checking in with UFC president Dana White.

Here’s a picture from Patriots DT Carl Davis’ IG: https://t.co/pIxkXcsAjH

With all that in mind, it may seem obvious that Dana White would know the jersey of the legendary Russ Francis. However, when the hosts of Manning Cast pulled an old photo of the UFC president in the 'No.81' jersey of the retired player, White appeared to be clueless:

"God, I don't even remember who it was at that time. I have no clue. I'm like nine years old in there."

When the hosts informed him that the jersey belonged to Francis, White responded:

"That's awesome. I didn't know that."

Check out White's appearance on the Manning Cast here.

Several people reacted to White failing to recognize Russ Francis' jersey, a tight end who played 13 seasons in the National Football League with the New England Patriots and San Francisco 49ers.

I like Dana White but he says he’s a huge Patriots fan and DOESN’T KNOW WHO RUSS FRANCIS IS? That’s inexcusable. #ManningCast
Eli came out of his shell. He's hilariously grilling Dana White right now. "You're a big Patriots fan and you didn't know whose jersey you were wearing?" "I was only 9 years old." Man, at 9 years old I was already a sports savant. That's no excuse.

Dana White discusses the Power Slap League on the Manning Cast

A commercial for Dana White's latest venture, the Power Slap League, was aired for the first time during the UFC 280 broadcast. The slap-fighting organization will function as a licensed athletic competition. The Nevada State Athletic Commission gave its stamp of approval to the league's rules and guidelines.

The organization signed a deal with TBS to run an eight-episode series beginning in January 2023.

Dana White's Power Slap League has signed a deal with TBS and will run an eight-episode series beginning in January

Previewing the league in the aforementioned interview, Dana White claimed that people will love the slap league, which he's been working on since 2017:

"That [Power Slap League] launches in January on TBS. I got into this in 2017 and I started seeing images of it online. I started to dive into it and I really liked it. I've been working on it really since 2017 and it launches in January 2023."

White added:

"The guys that compete in this are very interesting. I think you guys are actually going to love it."

Watch the promo for the Power Slap league below:

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