
"I have a cyst" - Khalil Rountree Jr.'s wife Mia Kang shares fear over U.S. reproductive laws amid Republican victory, leaks hateful DM from fan

Khalil Rountree Jr.'s wife, Mia Kang, recently opened up about running into some complications while undergoing IVF treatment due to a cyst. She also expressed her concerns regarding the timing of her procedure, given that Donald Trump's Republican administration would take over in January.

Kang outlined that she wanted to get done with her treatment before the next administration takes over due to concerns regarding the Trump administration's views on women's reproductive rights and access to healthcare. Reproductive rights and IVF treatment have notably been issues of significant discussion in the lead-up to the 2024 U.S. Presidential Elections.

In an Instagram story, Kang outlined her unfortunate ordeal dealing with a cyst and wrote:

"Today, we were going to start our egg retrieval process, but we ran into a blip (I have a cyst, which is normal. Our bodies produce them 2-3 times a year, but it means it's not the best time to do an egg retrieval). Our process is postponed a little."

In a follow-up story, the British-Swiss model wrote:

"I really wanted to get this done before the end of the year because it's terrifying living in a place where women's reproductive rights and access to healthcare are not protected. But it's going to be okay because we have each other."

Check out Mia Kang's Instagram Stories below:

Screenshots from @miakang on Instagram
Screenshots from @miakang on Instagram

Khalil Rountree Jr.'s wife Mia Kang reveals receiving hateful DM

After expressing her concerns over American reproductive rights, Mia Kang also revealed getting hateful DMs from fans and shared a story slamming incels. In a follow-up Instagram Story, Khalil Rountree Jr.'s wife exposed a fan for calling her a "racist b**ch" in response to her calling out white privilege.

Posting a screenshot of his DM, she questioned his lack of comprehension of the issue and wrote:

"White males who can't comprehend white privilege is, is literally the epitome of white privilege, no?"

In another story, she shared a post calling out incels for lying about their religious or 'Pro-Life' concerns and slamming them for enforcing the idea of men controlling women.

Check out Mia Kang's Instagram posts below:

Screenshots from @miakang on Instagram
Screenshots from @miakang on Instagram

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