Is Joe Rogan vegan?

While Joe Rogan is no stranger to alternative diet measures, he is definitely not vegan.
An ardent meat lover, Rogan has consistently demonstrated a marked skepticism of veganism over the years.
Joe Rogan initially criticized vegan diets after discussing the topic with clinician and Paleo diet advocate Chris Kresser back in 2016. In a more recent episode of his podcast, Rogan brought the topic up once again with Kresser and cited the words of The Game Changers producer James Wilks.
This time around, Joe Rogan found himself agreeing with Wilks, a retired mixed martial artist and a vegan activist. Finally accepting a vegan diet as healthy, Joe Rogan said:
“I mostly wound up agreeing with the guy who made The Game Changers documentary. In terms of science, in terms of whether or not it’s healthy to eat a 100 percent vegan diet, according to everything he’s shown me, it is. He had as much science as you could…it’s just a matter of doing it properly.”
While he may have come to terms with the benefits of veganism, Joe Rogan is not a vegan himself.
The UFC color commentator remains an advocate of meat and even believes that an ethical meat eater should hunt his own prey. While Joe Rogan hadn't hunted until recently, he was overwhelmed by the primal experience when he joined Steve Rinella, host of the Sportsman Channel's MeatEater, on a hunting excursion to Montana.
Joe Rogan was close to soiling his pants on a carnivore diet
Joe Rogan decided to shift to a completely carnivore diet after discussions with Jordan and Mikhaila Peterson, two avid supporters of the carnivore diet.
While Rogan claimed to have higher energy levels after two weeks of being on the diet, he also had a serious case of diarrhea. Scared of soiling his pants at any point, Joe Rogan wrote in an Instagram post:
"I haven’t shit my pants yet, but I’ve come to accept that if I keep going with this diet it’s just a matter of time before we lose a battle, and I fill my undies like a rainforest mudslide overtaking a mountain road. It’s that bad. It seems to be getting a little better every day, so there’s that to look forward to, but as of today I trust my butthole about as much as I trust a shifty neighbour with a heavy Russian accent that asks a lot of personal questions.”