UFC fighter put on the spot by Nina-Marie Daniele, Themba Gorimbo in tears after 'The Rock's surprise, Daniella Hemsley explains decision to flash: MMA News Roundup
Welcome to Sportskeeda's daily MMA News Roundup, where we present the biggest UFC news updates and other stories from the world of mixed martial arts.
In today's issue, we will discuss Dwayne Johnson's heartfelt gesture for Themba Gorimbo, Daniella Hemsley addressing her controversial post-fight celebrations, and more.
#3. Nina 'Drama' exposes Bobby Green's 'sliding into DM' attempt
People say that nothing you do in the day and age of social media is ever really forgotten. Rising MMA influencer personality Nina-Marie Daniele recently proved this right at the cost of Bobby Green in an interview ahead of UFC 291.
The UFC star was put on the spot by Daniele, who good-humoredly exposed a DM he sent to her way back in 2021. 'King' had apparently sent 'What's up?' to Daniele, which she did not respond to at the moment.
Laughing at his actions, the UFC fighter said that he does this quite a lot and then forgets about it:
"I said 'What up?' That's all I need to say. You ain't with it, then it wasn't meant to be. I get that from so many people. They hit me up like five years later. I'm like, ahhh, you see?...I didn't even know I shot my shot...You must have had a bad a** video."
Watch the interaction between Nina-Marie Daniele and UFC star Bobby Green below:
As per the last known reports, Bobby Green is with his long-term partner Tabitha and the two also have a daughter together.
#2. Dwayne Johnson goes above and beyond for UFC star Themba Gorimbo
In the wake of Themba Gorimbo's first UFC win in May, the Zimbabwean fighter shared how he had only $7 left in his bank leading up to the fight.
The story resonated well with Dwayne 'The Rock' Johnson, who remembered a time in his early life when he had as little as seven dollars in his hand.
The WWE star-turned-Hollywood actor recently paid a surprise visit to Gorimbo at the MMA Master Gym in Florida where he trains. The fighter was absolutely taken aback, and after hugging Johnson multiple times, he broke down in tears.
Johnson shared a video of the moment on his Twitter:
Johnson reportedly gifted Gorimbo a fully furnished apartment in Miami as well in a really generous gesture.
#1. Daniella Hemsley claims flashing has gained her respect
OnlyF*ns boxer Daniella Hemsley decided to expose her chest after winning her Kingpyn Boxing fight against Ms. Danielka - a moment that went on to change the trajectory of her fame overnight.
She was on every headline and was the subject of discussion in every podcast. Even entities like Eddie Hearn weighed in on her actions.
Hearn, of course, was harshly critical of it, stating that influencer boxing is setting a bad precedence for the sport and should be kept at a distance from the mainstream.
Speaking with All Out Fighting by Mirror Fighting, Hemsley addressed the matter. She came clean on why she decided to go topless live on camera and claimed that she has more received positive support than criticizm.
She said:
"I wanted to get them viral moments, that's what it's all about, right? I didn't think it would blow up the way that it did and I'm always going to get positive and negative comments."
She continued:
"Actually, with what I did flashing my b**bs and stuff I got way more positive comments than negative... I think I have gained a lot of respect and a lot of new fans not necessarily from just winning my fight but also expressing myself and not being afraid to show who I am either."
She also reacted to Hearn's comments, stating that the veteran boxing promoter 'hates YouTube boxing.'