
Video: Watch Ronda Rousey predict exactly what happened at UFC 193 a month ago

Ironically, Rousey’s prediction came true

The image of Holly Holm dropping Ronda Rousey with an epic head kick will go down as a historic moment, one that was out of the blue and came out of nowhere.

Although pundits didn’t predict the outcome of the fight, the one who was at the receiving end exactly predicted what transpired at UFC 193’s historic main event.

Ronda Rousey, while making an appearance on The Tonight show with Jimmy Fallon, had pointed out how Holly would come into the fight looking to frustrate her by keeping her distance from Rousey, before unleashing a head kick and going for the finish. She then sternly said that she would prevent that from happening, but sadly for her, that is exactly what happened.

Rousey fell into Holly Holm’s tarp in spite of knowing her pre-determined game plan and was a victim to Holm’s trademark head kick. Below is the video of Ronda giving a physic play-by-play of the events from UFC 193 on Fallon’s show:

It should be noted that Ronda didn’t even touch gloves before the fight and went in with a mindset to finish her opponent off, but ironically what we witnessed was one of the greatest upsets in MMA history.

Holly Holm’s gameplan was so precise that in spite of Ronda foreseeing what’s coming, she had to bow down to the inevitable that ended her undefeated streak and her legendary run with the Bantamweight title.

The capacity crowd in Etihad stadium in Melbourne were shocked to see Holm dethrone Rousey– which contradicted expectations. It is a rare sight to see Rousey being dominated and witnessing Holly do that by taking it up a notch and knocking one of the most dominant UFC Champions in recent memory, is legendary to say the least.

Make no mistake, Ronda will be back with a vengeance and she would see to it that, this time around her predictions don’t come to fruition.



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