
All Episode Heresy seasonal weapons in Destiny 2 (ranked from best to worst for PvE)

Destiny 2 Episode Heresy received several seasonal weapons for players to choose. While there also have been re-issued weapons from a past season, the current seasonal gear pieces had more impact on the sandbox, as they aligned perfectly with the current sandbox. As of writing this article, there are eight weapons with the seasonal tag, and the number will likely stay the same even in Act III.

This article lists weapons from best to worst regarding their prowess in PvE. Note that we will make changes below if Heresy Act III releases any new weapons.

Anamnesis, Psychopomp, and six other Destiny 2 Heresy weapons ranked from best to worst in PvE

1) Psychopomp

Psychopomp in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)
Psychopomp in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)

Psychopomp is a new Area Denial Framed Grenade Launcher that deals Arc damage to enemies. However, the reason why it is at the top of the charts is its ability to create Bolt Charges, followed by the extra damage from the buff. Area Denial weapons can clear out rooms full of mobs, and deal tick damage to bosses.

Psychopomp comes with perks such as Rolling Storm, Eddy Current, and Unrelenting, allowing players to choose between different perks to fill in different roles.

2) Anamnesis

Anamnesis in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)
Anamnesis in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)

Anamnesis is a Void Bow that comes with the new "Demoralize" perk alongside Repulsor Brace and the Destabilizing Rounds. All three of these perks are considered the best for any Void weapons. Being a Bow, Anamnesis is the best type to pair these perks with.

A Bow usually takes very few shots to defeat an enemy, allowing its user to activate any perk on the weapon. One cannot ask for a better combination on their Bow than Demoralize for weaken, Destabilizing Rounds for Volatile debuff on enemies, and Repulsor Brace for gaining a Void over shield.

The weapon provides the best of both worlds in any situation, with both worlds being mob control and survivability.

3) Watchful Eye

Watchful Eye in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)
Watchful Eye in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)

Another Arc weapon in this list, aside from the Psychopomp, the Watchful Eye, is a Heavy Machine Gun with limited ammo but immense firepower. Watchful Eye's role in PvE is similar to that of Psychopomp, where it can provide Bolt Charges to the user. Being a Heavy Machine Gun also comes with added responsibility, such as shutting down elites quickly and dealing damage to bosses.

However, the Watchful Eye cannot be fit during any boss encounters, as players will require a weapon with higher burst damage. While Psychopomp can be used in almost all content, the Watchful Eye becomes a very situational case, where only a few endgame encounters and activities will call for it.

4) Mirror Imago

Mirror Imago in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)
Mirror Imago in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)

Strand Legendary Primary weapons are pretty rare in the game, especially when it comes to accessible seasonal gear pieces. To name a few existing ones, Immortal is from Trials, Perpetualis is from a vaulted season, Mykel's Reverence is from a Raid, Rufus' Fury is also from a Raid, Taraxippos is from a limited-time event, among many more.

Hence, Mirror Imago is currently the easiest weapon to farm if anyone is looking for a constant Strand damage dealer with decent PvE perks. Some textbook options are available for the Strand builds, such as Threadling, alongside other utility perks to make life easier.

One downside of the weapon is the presence of multiple other options in the game. While newer players can make use of the Mirror Imago early on, it won't take much time until everyone moves on to other powerful options from endgame activities and abandons this gear piece.

5) Adamantite

Adamantite in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)
Adamantite in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)

Adamantite is only the second Support Framed Auto Rifle in the game and the first with the Strand element. This archetype family is pretty niche, allowing players to fit in a very specific role in PvE activities. The weapon allows its user to completely utilize it in a healing role or DPS, although the former is more suited compared to the latter.

Due to these restrictions and a niche playstyle, the Adamantitle has been listed so far down the list.

6) Division

Division in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)
Division in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)

Division is a Sidearm that comes with the Arc element and some decent perks for PvE. Currently, the weapon has seen a surge in the usage rate for PvP. However, an Arc primary weapon for PvE can be equally powerful. However, the energy slot for Arc builds is already packed with various special weapons, with the Psychopomp being a recent addition to the list.

This makes Division a pretty low-priority weapon in the build but a decent replacement, according to the activity. Anti-Champion perks can be paired with the weapon type alongside perks such as Voltshot and Eddy Current to synergize with Arc Fragments and Aspects.

However, if players are looking for an S-tier primary Arc weapon that can generate Bolt Charge easily, then Division isn't exactly what they would have in mind.

7) Abyssal Edge

Abyssal Edge in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)
Abyssal Edge in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)

Abyssal Edge has one use only in PvE, and that is to provide infinite guarding and passive damage to Titans with the Stronghold Exotic Gauntlet. You are looking for Flash Counter and Redirection on the weapon alongside the Exotic Gauntlet. Next, stand in front of enemies, regardless of the difficulty, and just guard using the weapon.

The Exotic's perk will heal you, and any damage redirected toward enemies can deal Bolt Charge shots as well. Just do not forget to cast the Titan Barricade with the Storm's Keep Aspect.

Aside from this combination, the Abyssal Edge doesn't necessarily have any other usage. Due to this, the weapon has been listed so low, but not far down enough to be regarded as useless.

8) Afterlight

Afterlight in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)
Afterlight in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)

Afterlight is a Void Fusion Rifle that doesn't do anything unique to a player's build. Destiny 2 can drop two or three Fusion Rifles from each encounter and adds another variant of the weapon type with each passing season or event. Hence, there's no abundance of the weapon in the game.

However, having a good Void Fusion Rifle doesn't hurt anyone, and Afterlight can provide some decent perks for PvE. The reason for Afterlight to be so low on the list is that there are other far more accessible and better Void Fusion Rifles in the game.

9) Refusal of the Call

Refusal of the Call in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)
Refusal of the Call in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)

The seasonal Glaive has been a disappointment, seeing how its perks do not work with one another, failing to grant proper synergy to its users. For example, the weapon's melee kills will not reset Sword Logic's counter, making it difficult to sustain the damage uptime. However, the Refusal of the Call can still be used in all activities, as the weapon relies more on its projectiles rather than melee.

Since players love using Glaives with more melee synergy, there are other far better options than Refusal of the Call.

10) Eyes Unveiled

Eyes Unveiled in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)
Eyes Unveiled in Destiny 2 (Image via Bungie)

Eyes Unveiled is a Heavy Precision Framed Linear Fusion Rifles, which falls pretty pale when compared to three-burst LFRs in the game. While the "Withering Gaze" perk might make it a bit interesting, players should instead go for something like a Stormchaser or Scintillation.

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