
3 NFL dynasties that collapsed too soon

Jimmy Johnson and Jerry Jones at the Hall of Fame
Jimmy Johnson and Jerry Jones at the Hall of Fame

NFL dynasties are defined by long periods of consistent winning that includes multiple championships. Those that enjoy sustained success often times are led by a legendary quarterback and head coach. They are the two most important building blocks when establishing a potential dynasty. The rest of the pieces around the team are filled in according to strategy.

There have been many great dynasties in NFL history. Often times they run their course until the main pieces that made a dynasty what it was either begin to decline or hit the age of retirement. Sometimes other factors can end a dynasty sooner than it should have. Here are three dynasties from NFL history that were cut short before they were really finished.

NFL dynasties that could have lasted longer

#1 - The 1990's Dallas Cowboys

Hall of Famers Troy Aikman and Jimmy Johnson
Hall of Famers Troy Aikman and Jimmy Johnson

The Dallas Cowboys of the 1990's decade are considered one of the greatest dynasties in NFL history. They had an incredible offensive line and blocking scheme, which allowed Troy Aikman to do his work in the passing game while Emmitt Smith put together one of the greatest careers by any running back of all time.

Jimmy Johnson on Jerry Jones (1991) https://t.co/k4DtBlTJfM

The Cowboys won three Super Bowls during their run, but probably could have kept things going a little longer if Jerry Jones hadn't made a major mistake. He fired their Hall of Fame head coach Jimmy Johnson for personal reasons. Most believe Jones didn't like that Johnson got so much credit for his Cowboys success. Regardless of the reason, the dynasty collapsed shortly after the firing.

#2 - The 1980's San Francisco 49ers

Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Montana
Hall of Fame quarterback Joe Montana

The San Francisco 49ers won four Super Bowls in the 1980's decade under the guidance of head coach Bill Walsh and quarterback Joe Montana. They revolutionized the West Coast passing game in the NFL as they dominated their era. Walsh retired in 1988 and Montana suffered a serious elbow injury in 1991. He was never quite the same after that and it essentially ended his dynasty.

#3 - The 1970's Dallas Cowboys

Fomer Dallas Cowboys quarterback Roger Staubach
Fomer Dallas Cowboys quarterback Roger Staubach

The Dallas Cowboys and Pittsburgh Steelers dominated the 1970's in the NFL. The Cowboys were led by head coach Tom Landry, one of the greatest of all time. Roger Staubach was arguably the best quarterback of the era, winning two Super Bowls and consistently playing at an elite level.

Most postseason wins by a Head Coach…

Bill Belichick - 31
Tom Landry - 20
Andy Reid - 19
Don Shula - 19
Joe Gibbs - 17

When Staubach surprisingly retired, it pretty much ended their dynasty. He was 38 years old at the time of his retirement, but he was still at the top of his game, leading the league in passer rating. Landry and the Cowboys asked him to return on a new two-year contract, but he declined.

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