
"He bulldozed my boundaries" - Deshaun Watson accuser pens open letter to his girlfriend Jilly Anais 

Houston Texans QB Deshaun Watson
Houston Texans QB Deshaun Watson

Houston Texans quarterback Deshaun Watson has not played a down for the team this season but is still in the headlines. The Texans quarterback is facing 22 civil lawsuits that accuse him of sexual misconduct or sexual assault.

Of the 22 women, 10 of them have filed criminal complaints with the police department in the city of Houston.

JUST IN: Deshaun Watson has reportedly made offers to a number of the 22 women suing him for sexual misconduct.

The Daily Beast published the terms of one $100,000 offer. It’s made on the condition that a non-disparagement clause is signed barring any public criticism of Watson. https://t.co/L96qLN7JTt

In an open letter to Watson’s girlfriend, Jilly Anais, an anonymous woman wrote about her personal experience with the quarterback. This is how the letter to Anais started off:

Dear Jilly “Boss Babe” Anais,
I’ve walked in your shoes before. I loved someone for years whom I found charming, unbelievably talented (though not an NFL quarterback), sweet (at times), who I thought would fit perfectly into my life plans and be my life partner.
I began to hear from other women that he was acting single, but he insisted they were lying. At every turn, when his character was called into question, he insisted that the world was trying to tear us apart. He would attack the intentions of everyone around me. He laid premeditated traps and lies, so if anyone spoke out against him, he had already ruined their credibility. He isolated me from my friends and family. I began to mistrust everyone—especially myself.

As the letter progressed, the anonymous woman wrote how an ex-boyfriend "bulldozed" her boundaries.

He forced me into a position where I had to blindly trust him. Love cannot exist without trust, and it was much easier to believe his lies when I no longer trusted my own instincts. He bulldozed my boundaries. There was an assault in our physical relationship. He always got what he wanted

The anonymous woman described how Deshaun "degraded" her, the impact this had on her mental health, and the damage it had caused:

Jilly, I hope this for your life. I am not a stranger, and yet you do not know me. I am a woman who was assaulted by your boyfriend. Deshaun Watson came into my place of work, my sole means of a modest income, and destroyed my mental health and my career. He destroyed my love for my job, my trust in strangers, and my foreseeable future. He terrified me, and tried to gratify himself at my expense. He degraded me.

At the conclusion of the letter, she wrote a plea to Anais to see her and her boyfriend's other victims:

I do not yet know if I can heal from this, but I believe you can. You have everything; you can have real, pure, faithful love too.
Every news article that discusses where he might be traded, every tweet that disregards our lives to showcase the indifference and opulence you both live in is evil. It causes us, your boyfriend’s survivors, great pain.
Don’t you care?
Please see me, and the other women seeking justice against Watson, as actual people.
Another Jane Doe

Will Watson Play in the NFL in 2022?

Houston Texans QB Deshaun Watson
Houston Texans QB Deshaun Watson

Watson publicly denied the sexual assault allegations after the first woman said he sexually assaulted her. Other denials came through his attorney after more and more allegations came about.

I find it very interesting how many of my media colleagues are continuing to bring up Deshaun Watson as a viable option at QB for teams like he ain’t in the middle of a sexual assault case and allegations by TWENTY + WOMEN. So we just gone forget that’s happening, huh 🤔 🤦🏾‍♀️ https://t.co/ETRqL5xWgm

The former 12th overall pick in the 2017 NFL Draft last played a down in the 2020 NFL season and given his current situation with all of the lawsuits and allegations, it is hard to tell if he’ll play in the 2022 season, despite reported interest from teams like the Pittsburgh Steelers and Miami Dolphins.

Deshaun Watson will NOT be taking another snap for the Texans. I've been writing and broadcasting that for 10 months.

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