
Did Colin Kaepernick’s net worth increase or decrease since being booted from the NFL?

If one were to judge Colin Kaepernick's net worth, one cannot ignore the impact of his activism and how it has affected his present status. Kaepernick still divides opinion, but one thing everyone agrees on is that he has been impactful in his advocacy.

The question, though, is how his own net worth has been affected since he gave up his career when he was in his prime. Let's take a look at how it affected his net worth.

Colin Kaepernick's net worth of $20 million far less than what he could have earned as an NFL player

Colin Kaepernick currently has a net worth of around $20 million. When he was blackballed by the NFL in 2016, his net worth was around $17 million. Now, obviously, that reflects an increase in his net worth, but it is far below what he would have earned had he remained in the NFL.

His net worth was increasing by around $7 million per year due to his salary structure at the time he was in the NFL. In addition, being in the NFL brought in endorsement deals that he doesn't have anymore. Considering the value of top quarterbacks in the league today, he could conceivably be earning more than his entire net worth in one year.

An estimate assumes that due to lost NFL salary and endorsement opportunities, he has lost close to $68 million in the last five years. This is a significant loss in opportunity costs.

But he is still much richer than the average American. Additionally, his protests against police brutality proved especially pertinent in light of the George Floyd murder.

We, the NFL, condemn racism and the systematic oppression of Black People. We, the NFL, admit we were wrong for not listening to NFL players earlier and encourage all to speak out and peacefully protest. We, the NFL, believe Black Lives Matter. #InspireChange https://t.co/ENWQP8A0sv

It hasn't been all bad either in terms of earnings and net worth for Colin Kaepernick. Nike made him the face of an advertisement that highlighted sacrificing everything to stand for something.

He has also been the face of documentaries and received a settlement from the league for having excluded him. The amount of the settlement has not been disclosed but is expected to be around $10 million.

Colin Kaepernick's $10 million NFL settlement isn't a financial win, but it's no loss either on.forbes.com/6016EZr0G https://t.co/xNPUGvIHov

Taken altogether, he has earned from other avenues that he could not have earned from had he remained in the NFL. In real terms, his net worth has increased despite being out of the NFL, but it is nowhere close to what it could've been.

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