
Fact-check: Did Colin Kaepernick’s fiancee Nessa Diab cost him NFL return over Twitter rant?

Colin Kaepernick and Nessa Diab
Colin Kaepernick and Nessa Diab

It was the 2016 season when Colin Kaepernick last played in the NFL. In that same campaign, he started his protest against racial injustice by kneeling during the national anthem ahead of each game. The former San Francisco 49ers quarterback left the franchise in 2016 and has been a free agent since.

He could potentially have returned to the league the very next season with the Baltimore Ravens. However, reportedly thanks to a tweet from his fiancee Nessa Diab, the Ravens shelved any plans to sign the quarterback.

In 2017, the Ravens were looking to offer Colin Kaepernick a contract after their starting quarterback Joe Flacco was injured. The only thing Ravens owner Steve Bisciotti wanted from the player was his willingness to play football.

So, did Nessa Diab cost Colin Kaepernick his NFL return? The answer to that is yes.

How Nessa Diab cost Colin Kaepernick a role with the Baltimore Ravens

Michigan Spring Game
Michigan Spring Game

Talks were quickly shelved after Nessa Diab posted a controversial tweet. The tweet showed Ravens owner Steve Bisciotti and former Ravens linebacker Ray Lewis in a pose similar to a scene from the film 'Django Unchained.'

Diab's tweet referred to Bisciotti as Leonardo DiCaprio from the movie, where he plays a racist plantation owner. Meanwhile, Lewis was likened to Samuel L. Jackson, who played a loyal slave to DiCaprio's character.

🎯 @raylewis https://t.co/N9k7nDgmDh

Diab, who is a radio and TV host, posted the tweet in response to a post from Ray Lewis. Lewis had posted a tweet two days prior, suggesting that Colin Kaepernick should keep his protests a private affair. Especially if he seeks a swift return to the NFL.

brotherhood - we are in this together https://t.co/Q3HpPA0uqr

Later that year, during an appearance on Showtime’s Inside the NFL, Ray Lewis revealed that Diab's tweet was the primary reason the Ravens did not sign the quarterback. He said:

"We were going to close the deal to sign him. Steve Bisciotti said: ‘I want to hear Colin Kaepernick speak to let me know that he wants to play football.’ And it never happened because that picture comes up the next day.”

Nessa Diab has always been a vocal supporter of Kaepernick's protests. She hasn't, however, been a fan of the NFL. Back in 2020, Diab lashed out at the league after the quarterback was listed as 'retired' in the league's player database.

Making her sentiments known, she wrote:

"Colin did NOT retire. You cowards blackballed him bc he peacefully protested against police brutality. He’s a Superbowl QB & should be playing bc his stats show that."
The @NFL @nflcommish @NFLPA lying on their NFL website claiming @Kaepernick7 “retired.” Colin did NOT retire. You cowards blackballed him bc he peacefully protested against police brutality. He’s a Superbowl QB & should be playing bc his stats show that.
nfl.com/players/colin-… https://t.co/eUJ7LMmaiR

Thanks to Diab's strong response, the NFL were quick to rectify their error and listed the player as an 'unrestricted free agent.'

Thank you to everyone who held the @NFL accountable for falsely reporting that Colin “retired” on their website. They heard you loud & clear bc the NFL put the accurate description that @Kaepernick7 is a Unrestricted Free Agent (UFA). Tell them to stop denying him employment. https://t.co/klK7a6qRTY

Kaepernick recently worked out with the Las Vegas Raiders in an attempt to land a contract with the franchise. However, that was now a while ago and nothing has happened since.

With the 2022 season fast approaching, it remains to be seen if the quarterback can find a way back into the league.

If you use any of the above quotes, please credit Inside the NFL and H/T Sportskeeda.

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