
"We'll never know what happened on 9/11" - Ex-Steelers RB Rashard Mendenhall faced big backlash over Bin Laden stance

Rashard Mendenhall had a great run in the NFL after a successful college career at the University of Illinois. However, his career in the league took a turn for the worse following his stance on Osama Bin Laden and the September 11 terrorist attacks.

The running back questioned why people were celebrating the death of Bin Laden and why there was so much hate for the dreaded terrorist.

"What kind of person celebrates death? It's amazing how people can HATE a man they have never even heard speak. We've only heard one side."

He also said:

"We'll never know what really happened [on 9/11]. I just have a hard time believing a plane could take a skyscraper down demolition style."

Since many Americans were still grieving over what happened that day, Rashard Mendenhall received backlash over his comments. The Pittsburgh Steelers issued a statement in support of the US military after the running back's comments.

"The entire Steelers' organisation is very proud of the job our military personnel have done".

Furthermore, Mendenhall was dropped by the sports apparel company Champion, noting that he couldn't "appropriately represent Champion" any longer. The company released a statement about dropping him as their spokesperson after the comments.

“In light of these comments, we no longer believe that Mr. Mendenhall can appropriately represent Champion and we have notified Mr. Mendenhall that we are ending our business relationship.”

While the former Illinois star recovered from his Bin Laden comments, his career was never the same afterwards.

Rashard Mendenhall and his promising NFL career

The Steelers drafted Mendenhall in the first round of the 2008 draft, playing him in just four games during his rookie season. He saw more time on the field in the 2009 season, rushing for 1,108 yards and seven touchdowns. The running back followed up that season with 1,273 yards and 13 touchdowns.

Rashard Mendenhall finished seventh in yards and second in touchdowns in the 2010 season for the Steelers. He never had another 1,000-yard season or double-digit touchdowns after that season. The former Fighting Illini star played his final season in the NFL with the Arizona Cardinals.

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