
JJ Watt makes one offer to rejoin the NFL - “I’ll suit up”

JJ Watt is enjoying the calmer pace of life after hanging up his cleats to kick off the 2023 off-season. After decades of toiling away in the baking sun and the freezing winter, it appears that the last thing he wants to do is get back on the field. That is, except for one scenario. Speaking on Green Light with Chris Long, the superstar dug both his feet in the sand, but he left one toe poking out.

Here's how he put his preemptive denials:

"I am not training to play NFL football. You can call all you want, but I'm not going to show up. You want me to play? I'm doing vanity workouts right now. I'm doing workouts to look good when I go to the beach. I'm not going to go bullrush Trent Williams right now. I'm not doing that."

However, he placed down one ultimatum for any teams listening:

"If they want to throw out 20 million for one game, I'll show up. No problem. I'll suit up for one game."

Most would assume that the best possible game would be the Super Bowl. That said, in a practical sense, most would write off the offer at face value, but one cannot help but wonder if this is the pass rusher's last-ditch effort to get himself a ring.

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How close did JJ Watt get to getting a Super Bowl ring?

JJ Watt at Arizona Cardinals v San Francisco 49ers
JJ Watt at Arizona Cardinals v San Francisco 49ers

The pass rusher played in the NFL for 12 seasons. He played for the Texans for ten seasons and the Cardinals for two. In his career, he never played with a Super Bowl team or a franchise that had ever won the Big Game. The superstar definitely has a large stock of accolades built up over the years, but his hands lack a bit of glamor.

JJ Watt's career in retrospect

Star pass rusher at Arizona Cardinals v San Francisco 49ers
Star pass rusher at Arizona Cardinals v San Francisco 49ers

At the end of Watt's career, he walked away as a five-time first-team All-Pro and a five-time Pro Bowler. The biggest aspect holding back the star pass rusher was his availability. Of course, at first, his attendance was about as good as anyone's. In is first five seasons, he never missed a game. However, over his final seven seasons, he only had three more perfect years.

Whether you line up in a 4i or a Wide 9, if you rush the passer, listen to this bit from @JJWatt https://t.co/kOZMaZMNsD

Some might believe that something might still be in the tank as his attendance was nearly perfect in his final season. Could Watt's one offer be just the first step towards slipping back into the league in 2023?

If any of the above quotes are used, please credit the Green Light with Chris Long Podcast and H/T Sportskeeda.

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