
Aaron Rodgers tries to solve billion-dollar NFL industry's problem with referees

For some, the biggest blight on the NFL is its officiating, and luckily, New York Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers thinks he has the answer.

With NFL referees not full-time, which is astounding for a billion-dollar industry, we have seen some very questionable calls through the first seven weeks of the season.

Some have called it the worst refereeing in years and while they are humans and everyone makes mistakes, with all the technology available, the thought is that these mistakes shouldn't be happening.

But Aaron Rodgers might have an answer to the problem.

Aaron Rodgers provides answer to NFL refereeing problem

With so many people upset at the current level of NFL officiating, as there is a thought that the no-calls or missed calls have a big say on the outcome of games, Rodgers has an idea to make it better.

Aaron Rodgers was a guest on the Pat McAfee Show and gave a possible solution to the problem, saying:

“I could be wrong on this. I don’t want to spread any misinformation but I believe that there are some of the refs are full-time. You can fact check me on that one. But I do think that it would help to have them all full-time. I think, an increase in pay probably as well. It's a really important part of our game. We're a billion-dollar industry. And, you know, I think those men and women deserve to be paid appropriately."

Rodgers added:

"I think they need to be held accountable for how they're refereeing. And there's obviously incentives to referee the bigger games in the playoffs, championship games and Super Bowls based on your performance. It's good that we have the extra official in the box to help them out with certain calls to avoid some of these unnecessary challenges."

Aaron Rodgers' Achilles rehab going well

Philadelphia Eagles v New York Jets
Philadelphia Eagles v New York Jets

The road to recovery from an Achilles tear is a long one and depending on the person, it's a nine to 12-month injury.

For Jets quarterback Aaron Rodgers, things are going well and many were surprised when they saw him walking on the sidelines of a Jets game without crutches.

He said on the Pat McAfee Show that he still isn't walking without a limp and that it has been a tough week in the rehab room.

It's never going to be all smooth sailing, but there was a thought that Rodgers could be back playing this year. That does seem a huge stretch as the Jets wouldn't want to risk Rodgers' health for this year and possibly next as well.

But for now, small gains are being made that all Rodgers and Jets fans can hope for.

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