
“Absolutely insane” – Ciara Wilson picks sides as Clarence Thomas faces immense backlash on affirmative action ruling

The course of admissions has changed in the American education system, and NFL star Russell Wilson's wife, Ciara Wilson, thinks that it might not be a bad idea.

Justice Clarence Thomas played a significant role in the recent affirmative action ruling. He has long been a critic of affirmative action policies, and his views have shaped his judicial opinions on the matter.

Thomas was of the opinion that his success is not tied to race-conscious policies and instead attributes his achievements to his own hard work and perseverance.

However, sports analyst Stephen A. Smith talked about the ruling on his show and expressed an opinion contrary to Justice Thomas' view. He believes that it was contradictory of the Supreme Court Judge to have "used affirmative action to climb the ladder to success...just to do everything to knock it down."

Clarence Thomas used affirmative action to climb the ladder to success…just to do everything to knock it down so no one else could benefit the same way.

But that is Clarence Thomas. https://t.co/YiSOR5gTm4

When Russell Wilson's wife, Ciara Wilson, came across the video, she uploaded a screenshot of it and wrote:

"Wow this is absolutely insane!"
Image Credit: Ciara Wilson's Instagram Story
Image Credit: Ciara Wilson's Instagram Story

The Instagram Story clearly showed whom Ciara favored. This is not the only response from her to this major development which reveals her stance on the matter.

Ciara Wilson shared Michelle Obama's take on affirmative action ruling

The news shocked many Americans because it led them to believe that higher education would not be diverse in nature and that minorities would not be given opportunities. Michelle Obama, the former First Lady of the United States, took to Twitter to share her thoughts on the ruling.

She shared her personal experience as a young student and also highlighted resources that people can use to bring attention to the affirmative action ruling.

The Grammy-winning pop star agreed with Obama's thoughts and shared them on her official Instagram and Twitter accounts.

Although the pop star did not add her personal opinions to the post, the act of sharing Obama's words showed how pressing the matter was.

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