
Are Tom Brady and Alex Guerrero no longer in business together? Latest report reveals details on TB12's future

Tom Brady and Alex Guerrero were more than just a player and a trainer. The quarterback was fully invested in his body coach's methods, who's widely credited with ensuring that the player could play until 45 and win Super Bowls with two different teams after 40.

Such was the former New England Patriots and Tampa Bay Buccaneers star's confidence in his coach that they went into business together to create the TB12 brand. It uses Tom Brady's initials and numbers and publicizes the lifestyle he followed under Guerrero to maintain supreme fitness later into his career.

However, now it looks like that their relationship is falling apart. Based on latest reporting by Dale Arnold, the two are no longer together, and TB12 is closing all its facilites.

TB12 closing in Boston might have been the first indication

The first indication that something might be afoot came earlier this year in May, when the TB12 fitness center in Boston abruptly closed.

It was opened in 2019 with much fanfare, so its closure remained unexplained. It was spotted by reporters, leading many to wonder what caused it to be shut down. There were speculations that it came about because Tom Brady was not playing in the Boston area anymore after leaving the New England Patriots for the Tampa Bay Buccaneers.

Given Alex Guerrero had also accompanied the quarterback down south, it had some merit, but now it seems that the reasons were completely different.

Alex Guerrero going separate from Tom Brady with his new venture

Alex Guerrero announced in Sept. 2023 that he was establishing a new brand TBRx, which was slated to be:

"a groundbreaking company focused on advancing the TB12 Method."

Cofounder Dr. Peter Cummings, a sports neuroscience expert, is the CEO of the company. Tom Brady wished his former body coach well during its launch:

"I have personally witnessed the transformative power of Alex's Total Body Recovery approach throughout my career. It has been instrumental in keeping me at my peak performance level year after year.
"TBRx will undoubtedly extend the benefits of this method to many others, allowing them to thrive both on and off the field."

Therefore, it seems as if TBRx will carry forward the TB12 legacy with Tom Brady's well wishes while the former quarterback himself looks at other revenue streams.

Brady has already become minority owner with the Las Vegas Raiders and English soccer club Birmigham City, and sports venture might be something he's looking to prioritize.

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