
"It's a toxic and horrible place" - Brittany Matthews reveals why she's trying to keep off social media

Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes's wife, Brittany Matthews
Kansas City Chiefs quarterback Patrick Mahomes's wife, Brittany Matthews

Newly-wed Brittany Matthews is popular on social media, especially in the NFL space, because of her relationship with star quarterback Patrick Mahomes. Matthews’ name in trending topics on Twitter peaked last season when Mahomes and the Chiefs were vying for their third straight Super Bowl appearance.

The internet trolls are going hard on @PatrickMahomes @brittanylynne8 and I don't understand why. People must be bored but they need to mind their own business and worry about what Patrick does on the field only. People can be so toxic.

Recently, Mrs. Mahomes took to social media to address the toxicity that can be found on it. An Instagram Q&A with her followers originally included questions about their wedding. Then, one fan asked how she deals with trolls on the Internet “with such grace in such a hateful world.”

Matthews answered the question with her insight:

“Honestly, I have no other choice! I would never let people on the internet destroy my peace or effect my life. BUT. It’s been hard, it took time to learn this and still learning at times. It’s always gonna be there. At times, it's worse then others & at those times is when you won’t see me on here or the internet. Hence why I have taken such huge steps away from social media. It’s a toxic and horrible place at times and those are when I say peace out.”
“My world outside of social media is great. I have the right people around me always and that’s where I stay when people on here wanna be (expletive). Not my problem, bye.”
Brittany Matthews Instagram Q&A |
Brittany Matthews Instagram Q&A |

Brittany Matthews and Jackson Mahomes have had their share of social media toxicity

Patrick Mahomes’ younger brother has also had his share of unflattering notoriety on social media. Both Matthews and Jackson Mahomes were in the limelight last season for controversial reasons like getting into spats with fans of opposing teams. Brittany Matthews, in particular, received her share of criticism for showering the crowd below her private box with champagne while celebrating the Kansas City Chiefs' win over the Buffalo Bills in the playoffs.

Jackson Mahomes found himself at the center of social media’s court of public opinion when he tried to call out a private business in Kansas City for not accommodating his crew.

AMEN 👏🏻👏🏻

@brittanylynne8 is an amazing woman!! We are blessed to have her and Patrick. This narrative being pushed that women should basically sit and be quiet while supporting their partner is so toxic.

The group of women supporting our players deserve better. twitter.com/JasonKander/st…

Regarding social media, both Brittany Matthews and Jackson Mahomes will either learn to live with the inherent extra attention that comes with being closely associated with the face of the NFL or remove themselves entirely from the platform (as Matthews implied earlier) to avoid public backlash. It’s a unique and unprecedented time to have a large following online due to the duality of mild to moderate fame, whether wanted or not.

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