
Colin Cowherd compares Tom Brady to Barack Obama

Tom Brady and Barack Obama at White House Correspondents Dinner
Tom Brady and Barack Obama at White House Correspondents Dinner

FOX Sports analyst Colin Cowherd often made some weird comments back in the day and even recently, but this comment has to be the strangest. Cowherd compared Tom Brady to Barack Obama.

You heard correctly. Cowherd compared Tom Brady to the former president.

"I think Tom got a lot of what he wanted early, but I do think their different personalities. One is obsessed, one is loosely goosey. It's like certain presidents. I remember when Obama was president, he was a readaholic, George Bush was a seat of their pants kind of guy. That's their style and I'm not here to judge. Tom wants you to care as much as he does."

Cowheard is basically saying that Tom Brady is a type-A personality who takes things more seriously than his head coach, who is more laidback. Maybe that's why Cowherd compared Tom Brady to Obama because Brady was more prepared than probably any quarterback in the league.

He is also right about Brady being obsessive, which may be the real reason he came back. Brady just seems, at times, unable to let it go. There was no way Brady was going to be able to walk away knowing he still had one of the best teams in the league and was one possession away from going to the NFC Championship game.

Are Bruce Arians and Tom Brady that different?

New York Giants v Tampa Bay Buccaneers
New York Giants v Tampa Bay Buccaneers

It's hard to believe that Bruce Arians and Tom Brady have totally different personalities.

Yes, Arians may not be as tight as Brady is; however, they still won a Super Bowl together.

Bruce Arians likes to win. If he didn't have the same competitive spirit as Tom Brady, there is no way Brady would have gone to Tampa.

Also, Arians would have been crazy not to welcome Brady to Tampa. There hasn't really been any signs at all that there was a major rift between the two -- none.

There were plenty of rumors after Brady left New England that he and Bill Belichick's relationship had detiorated over the years. Both of them seem to be control freaks, and Brady may have thought, since he had been there for awhile, he should have more say in the offense, and Belichick may not have allowed it.

NFL reporter suggests Tom Brady had better relationship with Bruce Arians than with Bill Belichick. #NFL #Buccaneers sportskeeda.com/nfl/news-tom-b…

Who knows why? But Brady seems happier and more content in Tampa than he was in New England, and his relationship with his former head coach seems to be a major reason why.

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