
Deshaun Watsons lawsuits: NFL star's lawyer has "strong evidence" that one allegation is false

Houston Texans QB Deshaun Watson
Houston Texans QB Deshaun Watson

ESPN's Sarah Barshop reported that Deshaun Watson's lawyer has "strong evidence" that one of the allegations against his client is false. Rusty Hardin, who is Deshaun's lawyer, states that if one case is completely false then the rest are in question as well. As of right now, there are 14 lawsuits against Deshaun Watson and that number continues to grow.

With Deshaun Watson's lawyer breaking his silence, what did he have to say about the whole situation that is surrounding his client?

Deshaun Watson's lawsuits: What did Rusty Hardin have to say about the 14 lawsuits against his client?

Deshaun Watson's lawyer Rusty Hardin
Deshaun Watson's lawyer Rusty Hardin

Shortly after the 14th lawsuit was filed against Deshaun Watson, his lawyer Rusty Hardin spoke on the matter. His statement came just before lawsuits 15 and 16 were filed. This is what Deshaun Watson's lawyer had to say about Tony Buzbee, the man filing all these lawsuits against the NFL star.

"Tony Buzbee has orchestrated a circus-like atmosphere by using social media to publicize 14 'Jane Doe' lawsuits." Buzbee has also refused Hardin's requests "to confidentially provide the names of the plaintiffs so we can fully investigate their claims," claimed Deshaun Watson's lawyer, Rusty Hardin.

The "strong evidence" Rusty Hardin possesses, which proves the Houston Texans star's innocence, is that Watson's marketing manager spoke with the third plaintiff who filed a lawsuit with Buzbee. Let's not forget that in January, a woman tried to blackmail Deshaun Watson by demanding $30,000 in exchange for her indefinite silence. The woman said in a statement that the meeting was a consensual encounter.

Tony Buzbee went on his Instagram account Saturday stating that he will be submitting affidavits and evidence from several women to the Houston Police Department and the Houston district attorney's office. Buzbee also mentioned that he hopes a grand jury will consider the evidence when it comes to charges being brought against Watson.

A spokesperson for the Harris County district attorney made a statement revealing why it would be inappropriate for the district attorney's office to comment on Watson's case.

"It would be inappropriate for the District Attorney's Office to comment on a civil lawsuit, and we refrain from publicly discussing allegations in any matter until and if a criminal charge is filed; we do this out of fairness to all," said the spokesperson for the Harris County district attorney.

Things are starting to come together in the case against Deshaun Watson and it's starting to look like the lawsuits aren't exactly true. One interesting thing about the lawsuits is that the women made more than one appointment with Watson. If he did the things they said he did, why did they go back for a second appointment?

Sportskeeda will be covering the Deshaun Watson lawsuit throughout the entire process. Stay tuned for more information about the Watson case.

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