
Eugene Chung discrimination allegations: NFL investigation comes up empty on proof of conversation

Former Kansas City Chiefs coach Eugene Chung
Former Kansas City Chiefs coach Eugene Chung

On May 22, news broke about a comment made towards former Philadelphia Eagles offensive line coach Eugene Chung.

The Boston Globe interviewed Chung earlier in the year, and during the interview, he dropped a bombshell that shook the NFL. Chung said that he was told he was "not the right minority" during a separate interview in the league.

Eugene Chung did not divulge any information on who said this to him or what team the individual was from. The comment threw Chung off, and it left him with unsettling feelings. The former Eagles coach told ESPN in May that he "wasn't trying to call anyone out" by publicly revealing the comment.

The NFL announced on July 1 that it could not confirm Eugene Chung's allegations that a team official made discriminatory comments during the interview. Unfortunately, with the NFL not finding any proof of the statement being made, only two people know if it was said or not.

Here's what the NFL had to say about their decision on the Eugene Chung discrimination allegations.

"After multiple discussions, including with Mr. Chung and his representative, we were unable to confirm the precise statement that was made, or by whom and under what circumstances any such statement was made."

This leaves the NFL in a tough spot. Chung hasn't leaked any information about who said the comment. His point of view is that people need to know about such comments. In the NFL's defense, it cannot punish anyone if it doesn't know who said it.

Now the question is where do we go from here? Will Eugene Chung finally break his silence on who made the comment?

Will the NFL dig deeper into the Eugene Chung discrimination allegations?

How does the NFL handle the Eugene Chung situation?
How does the NFL handle the Eugene Chung situation?

The NFL hasn't stated whether it will dig deeper into the allegations. After looking at the statement made by league officials, it doesn't look like this will go much further. The NFL released this statement about Eugene Chung's allegation.

"We intend to use this occasion to reinforce the commitment of the NFL and of every NFL club to ensure appropriate interview processes and develop diverse, inclusive, and respectful workforces on and off the field. Mr. Chung has offered to assist us moving forward and we welcome the opportunity to speak with him about how we can better advance employment opportunities throughout the league."

The NFL and Eugene Chung will work together to make sure something like this doesn't happen again. As things stand, the NFL has put a band-aid over a big, sore wound.

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