
"I never had this dictatorship mentality towards women" - Cam Newton clears air after being cancelled for making sexist comments

Cam Newton found himself in hot water after making controversial comments about women
Cam Newton found himself in hot water after making controversial comments about women

Cam Newton caused quite a stir recently when he made comments on a podcast about his views towards women. While some thought his words may have been taken out of context, it led to outrage nonetheless.

The angry reaction came from him seemingly saying women need to know how to cook and clean. At least that is the part that made the headlines. He is desperate to clear his name and made some comments to clarify the entire situation on his show, 'Funky Friday with Cam Newton'.

“Growing up, how I grew up, raising my children — my daughters — the way I raise them is completely different than how I was depicted...“I know my heart, I know my intentions. I never once had this sexist mentality and I never had this dictatorship mentality towards women.”

The quarterback explains how this idea of him running a "dictatorship" towards women is categorically false. Now that he has addressed this controversy, Newton would hope his focus can be solely on returning to find a team for the 2022 season.

Cam Newton seeking a new NFL team

Carolina Panthers v Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Carolina Panthers v Tampa Bay Buccaneers

The last thing a player wants to do is smear his reputation when trying to land a job. However, his past play should stand out over any comments, given the way the NFL operates.

He also made sure to quickly clear up his comments This was a proper and important step to make sure this story gets stopped in its tracks. Now, he can point to his recent comments as what he actually meant and just move on.

In terms of 2022, teams will likely wait until after the draft to consider the veteran. His waiting period may even stretch into training camps, until teams see if they need any upgrades after a few weeks with their quarterback depth chart in place.

A return to the Carolina Panthers is not out of the question either, as that franchise has no clear direction under center.

The #Panthers are talking with Cam Newton about a 2022 return.

Considering how other sportspers with major controversies in their past have managed to make a comeback, making Newton a perennial pariah would be harsh. Still, it seems likely that he will have to wait for his comeback.

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