
J.J. Watt totally onboard with Eli Manning's radical idea for college football

J.J. Watt and Eli Manning may have been playing on the other side of the ball when their careers overlapped, but they seem to be in agreement on one thing. Their common ground is about the hypothetical that retired or former NFL players should be allowed to go back and play for the college where they played.

When Watt was asked in an interview, he said that he still thinks he would do very well for the Wisconsin Badgers:

"That's a great question. It'd be fascinating, man. I think it'd be pretty good. Yeah. I think I'd be pretty good."

His rationale was that unlike NFL players, college players do not get to study film or be immersed in sports all the time. He feels that former pro football players going back to college will help improve the schemes, which are generally much simpler in design owing to those constraints.

"It's partially just the knowledge, because, like, in college, the kids still have classes, they still have all this stuff going on," Watt said. "And they're still young. And so the schemes can't be as complicated. They can't be as, like, crazy as the NFL, where it's literally you're studying it all day, every day.
"So, there's stuff where, like, you would just know before the play what's happening and you just go wreck shop."

J.J. Watt and Eli Manning on board now after their "sloppy Joe" kerfuffle

J.J. Watt and Eli Manning might have agreed to the idea of NFL players returning to their colleges, but there are areas where they have had distinct differences.

One such disagreement occurred after the former quarterback declared that he wanted to become a professional "sloppy Joe taster." While we are unsure if that is an actual line of work, we would not begrudge Eli Manning that opportunity. However, despite his Southern upbringing, he posed with something that was not immediately recognizable as the iconic sandwich.

what in the name of sloppy joe...

(looking lean Eli!) twitter.com/EliManning/sta…

J.J. Watt was mortified by the former Giants quarterback's selection. As someone playing for the Houston Texans, the defensive superstar would have seen some sloppy Joes, and what Eli Manning was eating did not seem to be one. While he complimented the quarterback on his lean physique, he could not hide his bewilderment at characterizing the sandwich on his plate as a sloppy Joe.

It's good to see that they have moved on from that and now they agree on more prosaic matters such as the involvement of NFL players in college football.

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