
Jerry Jones defamation case gets major update in Cowboys owner's legal battle against Alexandra Davis' "extortion" claims

A woman claiming to be Jerry Jones' biological daughter has had her defamation case thrown out by a judge for a second time. A judge initially tossed it out, and now Federal Judge Robert W. Schroeder III has thrown it out with prejudice, so it cannot be refiled again.

27-year-old Alexandra Davis sued Jones for a DNA test to prove she's his daughter, a case that's still pending. This defamation case was a secondary issue was about Jones' response to the case. His legal team and some news coverage had labeled her an "extortionist" and she sued for defamation.

Via ESPN, the judge wrote in his decision. :

"Based on these facts alone, or viewed in combination with all the communications within their possession, it is not plausible that Defendants acted with actual malice in characterizing Plaintiff's actions as a 'shakedown attempt' that was motivated by money."

The judge initially found that the statements were either true or were not considered defamatory, thus throwing it out. After a second try, the case has effectively been permanently tossed, though Davis' lawyers plan to appeal.

Jerry Jones defamation case update: Everything we know so far about Jerry Jones and Alexandra Davis' legal tangle

Alexandra Davis is a 27-year-old woman who has accused Jerry Jones of being her biological father. She alleged that her mother and Jones had an agreement when she was very young that he would support her and the family as long as they kept quiet about who the father was.

Jerry Jones was sued twice
Jerry Jones was sued twice

The Dallas Cowboys owner declined to submit to DNA testing, so Davis sued to try and force him to do so. That case is still pending. In the meantime, stories were run and legal arguments were made that Davis did not take kindly to. Therefore, she tried unsuccessfully to sue for defamation.

She has alleged that Jones made lump sum payments to her at various stages of her life and now wants to prove that he is her biological father. The defamation case being thrown out has no bearing on the DNA test case that is still pending and it originated in March of 2022.

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