
NFL Rumors: Ravens RB Mike Davis had more than $100,000 worth of jewelry stolen

Mike Davis has had a robbery committed in his house
Mike Davis has had a robbery committed in his house

The newly acquired Baltimore Ravens running back Mike Davis recently got robbed. Davis had more than $100,000 worth of jewelry stolen from his Atlanta home on Wednesday, as per Cobb County police records.

Davis Tweeted about the incident this past weekend on May 7th.

"The devil works hard, but I ain't gone let it ruin me. Some youngins broke into my crib and stole my jewelry. But the most important thing they stole was my cleats with my dad name and cancer cause on it. Now that hurts."
The devil works hard but I ain’t gone let it ruin me. Some youngins broke into my crib and stole my jewelry. But the most important thing they stole was my cleats with my dad name and cancer cause on it. Now that hurts

On Wednesday, May 4, Mike Davis was at a dinner when his security team alerted him of two males wearing grey hoodies and masks armed with handguns approaching his back patio. According to ESPN, further details aren't available as the case is still open.

Among the items stolen were two diamond chains worth $25,000 apiece. One had a 'No. 28' pendant, and the other had the initials 'MD'. Other stolen pieces of jewelry were two Cartier bracelets, four tennis chains, and a Gucci handbag.

Davis was signed by the Ravens a few days ago. In the sast season, with the Atlanta Falcons, he ran for 473 yards, three touchdowns, 261 receiving yards, and a receiving touchdown.

Mike Davis isn't the only Baltimore Ravens running back robbed in recent times

Gus Edwards also got robbed last season
Gus Edwards also got robbed last season

Mike Davis isn't the only Ravens running back who has gotten robbed in recent times. Gus Edwards claims he and a friend were robbed at gunpoint at a strip club in Los Angeles last December.

Gus Edwards claims he was the victim of an armed robbery in December; he and a friend have sued an L.A. strip club over the incident. wp.me/pbBqYq-ceav

According to the report filed, Edwards and his friend paid the $60 fee to leave their car with valet services. The Ravens running back claims he and the friend then paid $800 to sit in a private area guarded by security.

When he got back to his car, Edwards alleges that five men in masks, who each had guns, confronted them and demanded their jewelry. The assailants took a $50,000 necklace and a $25,000 watch from him, and a $60,000 look from Zaysay. According to Gus, security did nothing to stop the incident.

As a result, Edwards and his friend Zaysay are suing the club and are seeking more than $800,000 in damages. Weirdly enough, Edwards claims that he and his friend were "set up" by the valet at the club, based on a tip he received from someone on Instagram.

There seems to be bad luck with Ravens running backs, but hopefully, both Edwards and Davis have gotten charges pressed against the robbers.

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