
“He went on to watch the Rams win the Super Bowl” - NFL analyst believes vengeance is what truly prompted Tom Brady to come out of retirement

Tom Brady after winning Super Bowl LV
Tom Brady after winning Super Bowl LV

There have been a lot of reasons given as to why Tom Brady suddenly came out of retirement. One reason given was that he was bored at home and wanted to play again.

Another reason, as Tom Brady himself said is that he had some unfinished business. As most may recall, Tom Brady and the Buccanneers lost in the closing seconds of the division round in the NFC playoffs to the Los Angeles Rams, which may also be a factor in his decision.

But the real reason Tom Brady may have returned is for revenge, according to one NFL analyst who said Brady attending the Super Bowl and watching the Rams win it all may have prompted him to return.

Tom Brady sat in the pickup line at school for six weeks and said nah I’d rather let Aaron Donand piledrive me into the earth than go out like this

Shaun O'Hara of Good Morning Football seems to think that's why Brady came back.

“Yes. Tom Brady's coming back. Was I surprised? A little bit. Was I surprised he came back to the Bucs? No, not at all. Because if you're gonna make this move, you're gonna come back for maybe one more year or two years. You're not going to start over. You're not going to learn a new offense, go to another team. For Brady, I think announcing that he retired, gave him a little taste of like, okay, I put that on the shelf. But then the fire just started to grow."

O'Hara then mentioned that the Super Bowl win by the Rams may have been a game-changer for Brady.

"And you know what he did after he retired? He went on to watch the Rams win the Super Bowl. Can we go back to that fourth quarter that Tom Brady played against the L.A. Rams? He was unbelievable. You want to know why Tom Brady came back? My wife’s asking me, ‘Why? Why would he come back?” I said, 'Because of this. The way that he played for his final game. That throw to Mike Evans against Jalen Ramsey? Pinpoint precision. '"

O'Hara also explained, how despite his age, Brady is still one of the best in the biz.

"Tom Brady's an assassin out there. He's still at the top of his game. He’s sitting around watching these other guys do it. Then said, ‘Look, I could still throw another year. I still got the fastball. I'm coming back.’ The desire for him to play is still there because he's still the best to your point, Kyle. He's not hanging by a moment. He's not a lifehouse right now. He's not a thread like Ben Roethlisberger. This isn’t like a ‘let’s bring it back. '"

O'Hara also thinks Brady wants another shot at a Super Bowl.

"Let’s win one more Super Bowl. Let's do one more for the Gipper. Tom Brady, I mean, look at the domino effect that's already started, right? Ryan Johnson signs within hours after him coming back. Ali Marpet retired. I mean, I'm sure there are phone calls to him, too. So this is, the ripple effect of this, the frenzy got started a little bit earlier than we all thought. And I'm all for it. And I'm excited to see Tom Brady back in there. The NFL just got an unbelievable layup right now. An unbelievable shot of energy and excitement."

Tom Brady wants to leave on top

Tom Brady winning Super Bowl LV
Tom Brady winning Super Bowl LV

Both John Elway and Peyton Manning left their last NFL game with Super Bowl rings, and Tom Brady didn't, which is probably why he wants to come back.

Tom Brady says @KingJames convinced him to unretire 👑 x 🐐 https://t.co/e37AB35jSY

Brady's pride and love of the game wouldn't allow him to just leave the field as a loser, despite already having seven Super Bowl rings.

Image and legacy mean a lot to Tom Brady, and this legend wants to go out on top.

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