
"It’s unavoidable” - NFL analyst names the franchise primed to make Tom Brady unretire

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Tampa Bay Buccaneers v Carolina Panthers

The last breath of brady" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer" data-is-sponsored="false">Tom Brady's career has manifested itself as rumors and hopes that the longtime league leader will return for one last hurrah.

NBC's Mike Florio says he received an email from what is either an unnamed source or a fan who has connected the dots. Either way, the email has swayed him into believing the quarterback will return for 2022 with an old favorite of his.

"So I got a great email," Florio stated. "I don’t know that the person wants his name to be shared, but it’s explaining what’s going on with Tom Brady. A classic mid-life crisis; Step 1, a divorce from the Patriots; Step 2, a short-term relationship with a trophy girl, Buccaneers; Step 3, a late-night text to the high school sweetheart, a.k.a the 49ers... I’m telling you, it’s unavoidable.”
"He’s not gonna lower himself to have to dirty himself the way Aaron Rodgers is," Florio continued. "He’s gonna work it all behind the scenes... I think he’s gonna be with the 49ers in Week 1. I’m rooting for that so badly.”

Why Tom Brady's past few years have been the result of a mid-life crisis

Buffalo Bills v Tampa Bay Buccaneers
Buffalo Bills v Tampa Bay Buccaneers

Considering the quarterback is in the danger zone when it comes to having a mid-life crisis, this is an angle Florio thinks is a distinct possibility. At 44 years old, if one were to double his age, he would be older than the average lifespan of a human. As such, a mid-life crisis is well overdue. However, Florio said it started with the divorce with the Patriots.

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This occurred early in 2020, when Brady was 42 years old and closer to the average mid-point of his lifespan. A mid-life crisis can last years, so Florio's point about a move to the 49ers still fits within the timeline. Essentially, a mid-life crisis occurs when a person realizes they're, on average, halfway to death.

Evidence continues to mount that Tom Brady will play next year. Now on @undisputed

This pushes them to try new things in an effort to maximize what they get from life since it feels like death is right around the corner. They just made it through a massive chunk of time which, looking back, appeared to fly by, so the next equally large chunk will fly by as well. However, the crisis fully ends a number of years later when the person realizes it has been a while but they're still here.

They still have a lot of time left. When this happens, their life returns to normal. Brady has followed this pattern so far. He made a change from his longtime team to try another one. Now, he is trying retirement. When he gets bored, as Florio seems to be implying, Brady will return and the analyst is rooting for him to land with the San Francisco 49ers.

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