
"If you have the height of a child you will be treated like one" - NFL fans mercilessly troll Kyler Murray over peculiar contract obligations

Arizona Cardinals v San Francisco 49ers
Arizona Cardinals v San Francisco 49ers

Kyler Murray has had a unique clause in his new contract with the Arizona Cardinals. The 24-year-old has been told to do four hours of independent study every week when the season starts. Sound odd? Well, it is. Being a professional athlete, Murray really shouldn't have to be told to watch or study film on his upcoming opponent.

As expected, NFL fans have noticed wordage in Kyler Murray's contract and trolled the 24-year-old.

Here are the top comments:

"If you have the height of a child you will be treated like one."
@NFL_DovKleiman If you have the height of a child you will be treated like one.
@NFL_DovKleiman Kyler “studying film” https://t.co/YBo1O1pMEz
@NFL_DovKleiman Kyle literally is a "professional gamer" 🤣🤣 this is terrible and I'm a Cardinals fan
@NFL_DovKleiman This sounds like a Mom telling a high schooler to go to his room and study for a test 🤣
@NFL_DovKleiman This is amazing. How do they pay some baby $230M and then need to include these babysitting clauses? Pathetic look for Kyler
@AndrewBrandt If he’s not doing at least 4 hours of “homework” on his own anyway… the Cards never should have signed him. But they must be concerned that he’s not prepping well. Or they wouldn’t have added it.
@NFL_DovKleiman Kyler week 1 study hall: https://t.co/OShEv1HTDy
@AndrewBrandt I'm calling this the JaMarcus Russell clause.
@AndrewBrandt Who’s checking up on him to make sure he’s done his “study time”
@AndrewBrandt This just in , @kylermurray receives delivery from @arizonacardinals from @amazon …. 300 stuffed animals 🤣🤣🤣 https://t.co/3DD8Vfwg2n

Fans are clearly enjoying the clause, as is to be expected. But it does bring into question exactly why the Cardinals chose to include this wordage. As a professional athlete, this time should be a given for every player. It's odd to see it as a contratual obligation.

However, it's there and the 24-year-old signed it. Now it is up to Kyler Murray to perform his obligations each week or risk forfeiting roughly $100 million in guaranteed money.

Were Cardinals right to include study clause in Kyler Murray's contract?

Green Bay Packers v Arizona Cardinals
Green Bay Packers v Arizona Cardinals

It does feel like this was no accident on the Cardinals' part. Perhaps it is a clause we will see regularly going forward in all players' contracts, but they clearly felt this was important. Looking back at some of the quarterback's previous comments, you can see why it's there. Kyler Murray was once quoted as saying:

"I think I was blessed with the cognitive skills to just go out there and just see it before it happens. I'm not one of those guys that's going to sit there and kill myself watching film. I don't sit there for 24 hours and break down this team and that team and watch every game, because in my head, I see so much."
nytimes.com/2021/12/23/spo… https://t.co/ubVA49hjmv

For a quarterback, watching film is one of the most important parts of pre-game preparation. Work out tendencies where you can get better and pinpoint weaknesses in opposing defenses.

Tom Brady is the master of this and I think we can all agree that it's worked out well for him. For Kyler Murray, four hours a week is easily achieveable and in truth, it should be significantly longer.

We will see if it pays off for him when the season kicks off in under two months time.

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