
NFL News: Deshaun Watson's list of civil cases is at 13 and could rise to 22

Houston Texans QB Deshaun Watson
Houston Texans QB Deshaun Watson

As of Monday, March 22, 2021 Deshaun Watson has 13 civil cases filed against him for sexual assault. The cases range from March 30, 2020 to March 5, 2021.

The trouble started when news broke last week that a woman had come forward to file a case against the Houston Texans quarterback. Now, almost a week later, Deshaun Watson has seen that number grow from one to 13. The interesting fact is that all 13 cases were filed anonymously.

The Houston Texans are hoping that this situation is resolved soon and their franchise quarterback's name gets cleared. However, this is just the beginning for Watson, because even once this is over, he can guarantee some sort of backlash from it all. ESPN Staff Writer Sarah Barshop broke down each date that Watson allegedly committed the offenses.

Now that the numbers are steadily rising, it throws up one question: what are the Houston Texans and the NFL going to do with Deshaun Watson until the issue is settled?

NFL News: What will the NFL and Houston Texans do with Deshaun Watson?

Houston Texans QB Deshaun Watson
Houston Texans QB Deshaun Watson

Neither the NFL nor the Houston Texans have said what they plan on doing with Watson until the dust settles and the truth comes out. If Deshaun Watson is convicted of these crimes then his NFL career is likely over and he will be spending a good amount of time in prison.

Pro Football Talk's Mike Florio reported that the NFL could place Deshaun Watson on paid leave until this is all over. It has been rumored that nine more women plan to come forward about Watson. In that case, the list of cases could rise to 22.

If nine other women come forward and Deshaun Watson's case count does grow to 22 cases, the NFL will most likely place Watson on the Commissioner's Exempt list until it's over. If this happens, the Houston Texans will suffer the most out of the situation.

Let's say the NFL does end up placing Deshaun Watson on the Commissioner's Exempt list, then Houston will have to pay Deshaun Watson his salary for the 2021 NFL season. The Texans will be paying Watson over $10 million for him to sit at home because he cannot practice or play if he's on the list.

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