
"Shot over sixty times while unarmed" - NFL reporter says Colin Kaepernick's stance on police brutality was right

NFL reporter claims Colin Kaepernick was right on police brutality
NFL reporter claims Colin Kaepernick was right on police brutality

The death of 25-year-old African-American, Jayland Walker, at the hands of police officers has sparked yet another wave of protests against police brutality in the United States.

Unsurprisingly, NFL free agent Colin Kaepernick's 'Take A Knee' movement against racial injustice is back making the rounds on the internet, with a host of personalities agreeing with the quarterback's stance.

Jayland Walker was killed on Monday, June 27, by eight police officers in Akron, Ohio. Bodycam footage of the police officers was released by the authorities which showed the officers firing at Walker, who had fled after an attempted traffic stop. The victim reportedly suffered more than 60 wounds.

Reacting to the tragic footage, NFL reporter Mike Freeman took to social media to express his horror. Freeman wrote:

"Finally took some deep breaths and watched the Jaylon Walker video. The sustained sound of the gunfire as he’s allegedly shot over SIXTY times while unarmed and, well, Colin Kaepernick was right part six billion."
Finally took some deep breaths and watched the Jaylon Walker video. The sustained sound of the gunfire as he’s allegedly shot over SIXTY times while unarmed and, well, Colin Kaepernick was right part six billion.

Filmaker Morgan J. Freeman shared a similar sentiment on social media. He wrote:

"This is why Colin Kaepernick took a knee during the National Anthem."
This is why @Kaepernick7 took a knee during the National Anthem. https://t.co/Fj7oY2d0M8

The incident reportedly occurred around 12.30 AM after police officers unsuccessfully attempted to stop Walker's car for unspecified traffic violations. After a short vehicle pursuit, Walker, unarmed, was chased by the officers on foot, which was followed by a burst of shots that lasted more than 5 seconds.

Walker's attorney said the officers continued firing even after Walker fell to the ground.

Several personalities took to social media to express their grief at Walker's horrific death:

The details don’t add. Jayland Walker was doing door dash but he had on a ski mask while running from the police and shooting at the police. What kind of door dash delivery was he making. It’s sad he died and yes 60 shots seem like a lot but don’t shoot at the police.
Recently, Jayland Walker, a black young man in Ohio, was killed by 90+ shots fired by 8 US police officers. How many more #GeorgeFloyds & #JaylandWalkers must die before there is fairness &justice in the US? https://t.co/lxeimh0cuo
Jayland Walker should still be alive and the Highland Park shooter shouid be dead, but instead it’s the other way around.

And we all know why.

Colin Kaepernick's movement against racial injustice

Colin Kaepernick became a polarizing figure in 2016 when he started kneeling during the national anthem at NFL games to protest against police brutality and racial inequality. The 2016 season ended up being his last in the NFL, after which he left his team, the San Francisco 49ers.

In 2020 - in the wake of George Floyd's death at the hands of police officers - the QB's protests received massive attention. Athletes from other sports joined the protest, making the 'Take A Knee' movement a worldwide phenomenon. It is also known as the 'Black Lives Matter' movement.

The quarterback also runs the 'Know Your Rights Camp', an organization that helps minority communities in the country with seminars on self-empowerment and legal rights.

Fan's side with Colin Kaepernick after Jayland Walker's death

Reacting to Jayland Walker's brutal death, there seems to be a major agreement among fans that the former 49ers' QB was indeed right to protest and draw attention to racial injustice:

@mjfree @jennifer_puddn @Kaepernick7 Colin was always right & knelt for truth ♥️ https://t.co/GCcEGJpGhL
This is why @Kaepernick7 kneeled! BLM https://t.co/Qvys0anIY6
@lindyli Exactly why Colin Kaepernick took a knee and was willing to risk his career to create awareness

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