
NFL reporter details why Colin Kaepernick's police brutality stance and Harrison Butker's religious equations don't fall on the same plane

Harrison Butker became a part of the NFL conversation after his commencement speech at Benedictine College earlier this month. The controversy reminded many of former San Francisco 49ers quarterback Colin Kaepernick. Many, including Kaepernick, have questioned the duality of approach from the NFL leadership during both instances, but NFL reporter Steve Wyche disagreed.

On former quarterback Robert Griffin III’s podcast, "RG3 and The Ones," Wyche talked about the major difference between the two players’ stances:

“I have a real hard time with that because Colin Kaepernick, whether you liked it or didn't like it, he took a stand at a football stadium as a QB in uniform.
"He actually took a seat against police brutality against injustices in the justice system and things like that, whereas Harrison Butker took a religious stand at a graduation ceremony and said some things some people would probably align with and some things people would disagree with.”

Wyche looked into the causes for which the athletes spoke up or kneeled.

“I can’t put those two on the same plane, because in 2016 when Colin Kaepernick did that, we saw over and over on video unarmed Black people getting shot by police, and to compare that to some of the biblical and religious equations, whether you consider them misogynistic or whatever, I think that's a little off the rails, Wyche said.
"Again, I just think it's a stretch. I can see where people might want to try to do that. I'm just not one of those who will.”

Harrison Butker, like Colin Kaepernick, is refusing to bow down

Colin Kaepernick has faced much backlash for his activist stance and did not back away from his beliefs. In the same vein, Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker has doubled down on his views.

"The more I’ve talked about what I value most, my Catholic faith, the more polarizing I’ve become," Butker said on Friday. "It’s a decision I’ve consciously made, and one I do not regret at all.”

The defending champions begin their season on Sept. 8 against the Baltimore Ravens.

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