
NFL Rumors: IRS keeping tabs on NFL owners including Jerry Jones, Stan Kroenke, and others for ‘paying very little taxes’

In a leaked video, an IRS operative said that they are keeping tabs on NFL owners, including high value individuals like Stan Kroenke and Jerry Jones, to see that they are not skimping on paying their share of taxes. Alex Mena, an operative running criminal operations for the IRS said to a reporter that they are targeting every single NFL owner.

He said that last week the IRS has decided to go after the league owners, commenting,

"So, last week we decided to go after the owners of the NFL teams."

As the reporter expressed shock, he reiterated,

"We went after the owners of the NFL teams? All of them. So, that's going to be fun."

When the interviewing reporter asked Alex Mena why the agency was going for the NFL owners, he reported that they are all billionaires who are likely not paying the tax they are supposed to. He continued by clarifying,

"Because they are like billionaires and they pay like very little taxes."

The reporter asked then if there is any indication whether the way the owners are getting around is using legal loopholes. That is when Alex Mena confirmed that it is what they are interested in finding out, adding,

"That's what we're going to find out if it's legal or not."

When asked how many owners IRS is targeting, he confirmed that all of them under purview with no exceptions. He said,

"All the teams, everyone. They don't care, these people are not afraid of anything. If we find a mistake, we make them pay like $100 million. That's a drop in the bucket for them. Each NFL team is worth $3 billion at least."

Jerry Jones and Stan Kroenke among the owners of the top 3 most valuable franchises as IRS targets them

As per 2023 valulation, the Dallas Cowboys are the most valuable franchise in the NFL, touching $9.2 billion in valuation. The New York Giants are second at $7.04 billion. The Los Angeles Rams, playing in the most sophisticated stadium in the country and the last Super Bowl champions not named the Kansas City Chiefs, have a valuation of $6.94 billion.

NFL teams are not just some of the most highly valued teams in the country but around the world. Now, as per the latest reports, the owners will have to ensure that they are paying there share of taxes from the benefits they are getting from owning such highly valued franchises.

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