
Retirement treating Tom Brady well as legendary QB is spotted in Costa Rica with Gisele Bundchen

Super Bowl LIII - New England Patriots v Los Angeles Rams
Super Bowl LIII - New England Patriots v Los Angeles Rams

When most people picture retirement, they usually picture spending time at the beach. Apparently, Tom Brady is one of those people. Whether walking along the water or sitting back with a margarita, the point where the solid ground meets the liquid world takes center stage. For Brady, one of his first acts, after announcing his retirement from the NFL, was to follow the cliche of hitting the beach.

According to E! News, the quarterback and his wife were spotted on a beach in Costa Rica. Images reveal the quarterback walking along the beach, hand-in-hand with Gisele Bundchen. Bundchen decided to walk without shoes while Brady decided to keep his sneakers on. Put simply, the two are taking some well-earned time off after a long season.

When will Tom Brady "feel" retired?

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To understand what the quarterback is going through, it makes sense to relate his situation to something most have gone through. The NFL is a little like public education in how it is scheduled. Both the NFL and public school education to place during distinct periods of the year.

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During approximately nine months out of the year, one is hard at work five or six days per week, working towards a goal. In another part of the year, no expectations are set, and one is able to relax for months on end.

For those who have fully graduated from high school or college, they may recall finishing their last day of school and walking into summer break. They were officially done with school, but their life felt the same as any other year, since both schedules and lifestyles were still the same.

Tom Brady is my MVP

For many, it took until the fall, when others started gearing up to go back to school, for it to truly sink in that they were done with something they had been working on for years, if not decades. That is likely what the quarterback is going through right now.

For all intents and purposes, the next few months will feel the same as when he played.

However, when players start gearing up for the 2022 season and those first few training camps are announced and practices roll around, for the first time in 22 seasons, Brady will remain on the couch. When that happens, he will likely feel retired for the first time. That is when Brady will process what has truly changed and how his life is going to be different going forward.

At that time, getting Brady's reaction to retirement could be juicier than what he is currently saying now, since it really hasn't sunken in that he is done forever.

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